Chapter 13

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~Scott's POV~

I shook my head, walking down the hallway.

Was Vincent really a murderer...?

I shook my head again and looked up, only to Bonnie staring down at something, his eyes black with white pupils.

I looked down, only to be faced with a girl with long blond hair laying on the tile floor. Her foot was tangled up in some wires. How'd she get in here, anyways? I sighed. Mike must've forgot to lock the door again.

"Hey!" I yelled. Bonnie whipped around and looked at me. He bared his teeth and lunged at me. I quickly dodged to the side and ran back toward the office, the rabbit animatronic following behind me.

~???'s POV~

What the heck just happened, I don't know. All I know is that that Bonnie's gone, and that's all that matters right now.

I weakly climbed to my feet, glancing around.

Well, one of the night guard's saw me, I'm sure of that, but at least I'm not stuffed in a Freddy suit.

I started up the hallway. Now because of that wretched bunny, things aren't gonna work out the way I planned. I bit my lip.


~Your POV~

Scott burst through the office door and shut it behind him.

"Bonnie..." He hissed, breathing heavily.

You nodded.

He stalked over to the camera. "Hey, Fritz, check the hall cams, please."

Fritz shrugged and flickered to the cam. Mike jumped up. "What the-"

"What is it?" You groaned, getting to your feet and shoving past Mike to look at the camera.

And there, in the hallway, was a girl with long blond hair and blue eyes slowly stalking up the hallway.

"Oh no.."

A Guy to Die For (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now