Chapter 52

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~Ali's POV~

I can't really blame Vincent for cutting me.

The cut stung badly but I guess we can all agree that I deserved it.

I sighed as I walked down the street. But then when I finally looked up I came face-to-face with him.

He had that insane grin that he always has.

"Ali, dear, can you do me a favor~?" He purred.

I scowled and reached into my pocket for my knife, only to find it wasn't there.

"Are you looking for this, dear?"

I looked up, only to find him waving my knife in my face.

"How did you-!?"

He snickered, putting the weapon away.

"Do me a favor and get rid of that idiot Vincent, Ali." He spat, pushing me away, that grin still on his face.

"What!? No!"

He frowned, but then that psychopathic grin came again.

"Dear I thought you hated that killer."

"I d-do." I stuttered.

It was true; I honestly hated that man's guts. I'd love to slit his throat, but I didn't because it probably wasn't going to help (Y/N) and I become friends again.

"Then go get rid of him!" He snapped.

"You know I could kill you faster than you could say 'I hate you' right?" I growled, taking a step toward him. A smirk came across my face.

"Then why didn't you kill me while you had the chance?"

I kicked him down.

"Because I knew I could use you to my advantage. But now," I hissed, "I have no use for you."


~Your POV~

You'd sat back down when Ali had left, and so had Vincent.

"Why does that girl hate you two so much, anyways?" Fritz mumbled, eying you and Vincent.

You shrugged.

"Eh, I wouldn't be surprised if she was still mad about the incident." He muttered. "That girl's an idiot."

"Incident?" You quizzed, raising an eyebrow.

Fritz shut up, realizing what he'd said. Mike glared at him.

You sighed, leaning backwards.

You looked up at the ceiling.

You heard a phone ring and recognized it as Vincent's. You looked over at him as he stood up.

"I'll be right back..." He muttered, looking down at the number.

Then he left the abandoned pizzeria through the front door.

You looked down at the table, letting out a sigh.


[*insert evil laugh here*]

A Guy to Die For (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now