Good Ending

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(Yeah yeah basically the same thing as the bad ending just with a different ending)


~Vincent's POV~

I gripped the axe in my hand as I pushed through the heavy glass doors of the pizzeria.

I looked up and found the animatronics standing on the stage as they'd usually be if the pizzeria was open. How they got up there, I don't know. But it made things a bit easier so I didn't question it.

I walked toward the old "safe room" as they called it and found two old suits lying on the ground: the golden version of Freddy and... Spring Bonnie, I think it was called?

I put down the axe and reached for the golden Freddy and put it on. I'd just lure the wretched robots back here, then smash them to bits. No more worries.

And with that, I lured the four robots back to the safe room, one by one. Then I'd enter the safe room, and since they couldn't detect it, they'd get confused, giving me just enough time to take off the suit and grab my axe.

Soon, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy were no more.

Or so I thought.

I stood back and admired my work from the safe room, smiling as I held the empty head of the suit in my hands.

I took off the suit and was about to leave when I looked up and came face to face with five children.

"Vincent, you can't keep running from us..." The fifth one, which was closest to me, hissed.

I backed away, my eyes wide with fear.

"St-Stay away from me...!"

"You will pay the price Vincent," said the ghost of a blonde boy; I guessed Bonnie's ghost.

In my panic, I ran for the Spring Bonnie suit.

I climbed inside it as quick as possible.

But then, at that moment, the spring locks snapped.

The metal endoskeleton of the suit crushed me.

All I heard was the laughter of the children and the sound of my bones snapping, and all I felt was pain and my blood running down me and down the sides of the suit.

I yelled, even screamed, but the kids just stood there, watching me suffer, smiles lingering on their faces. But then they faded as I was left there, fighting to stay alive.

~Your POV~

Vincent had been gone a long time. Longer than it should've been.

You walked inside and looked around.

"Vincent...?" You called.


You ran panicking around the old building in search of Vincent, and then, eventually came to a room. There was two animatronic suits on the the floor. One was a golden version of Freddy, and beside it, on the floor, was the axe Vincent had brought into the building.

You then looked up slowly, and then froze as you saw the other suit.

It was a golden version of Bonnie...

And it was surrounded by blood.



"Vincent, oh gosh, what happened!?" You yelped, running over and falling to your knees beside the suit.

"The children's s-souls- ack!"

"Vincent, c'mon, let's go. We'll get you to a hospital-"

"(Y/N), it's no use. I'm not gonna m-make it.." He choked out. At that moment, he fell limp, but you grabbed him in your arms before he could hit the floor.

"Vincent! Vincent, don't die on me! Please! You have to make it! In fact, you're going to make it. Just-"

"(Y/N), stop tr-trying... I'm d-dying..."

Through the teeth of the suit you could see him smiling weakly. Tears streamed down you face.

"G-Goodbye, (Y/N)..."

"Vincent! No, please!-"

But then, he died. Right then, right there. He fell completely limp. Dead.

The room fell silent. The only thing you could hear was the sound of yourself sobbing.

But then, you jumped as the animatronic suit's dull eyes lit up. And then, you smiled weakly, still crying, as you heard a voice clearly say:

I'm still here.

A Guy to Die For (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now