Chapter 5

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~Your POV~

You gasped.


"P-Please! Just don't tell the police!"

You realized how hard that would be, considering (F/N)'s dad was a cop, but you nodded.

He sighed in relief.

But then, he kissed you again. But this time, you kissed back.

~Mike's POV~

I paced around the room.

"They should be back by now!" I growled.

"I-I'm s-sure they're o-kay..." Jeremy stuttered.

"Oh, so leaving someone alone with an insane murderer is okay now?!" I yelled. Jeremy whimpered and looked down at his feet.

"Mike! Stop calling him a murderer! You don't know that for sure!"

I bit my lip.

Suddenly (Y/N) and Vincent came down the hallway together.

"Oh, what happened?! Did he hurt you?!" I immediately yelped, earning a glare from Vincent.

"What?! Of course I'm okay!" (Y/N) snapped.

"I-If you say so..." I whispered.

"Well, me and (F/N) have plans for today. See ya."

"Goodbye." I mumbled.


"B-Bye, (Y/N)..."

"See ya later."

~~~~~~Magical Time Skip!~~~~~~

~(F/N)'s POV~

"So, (Y/N)-"

"(F/N), I need to tell you something, but you can't tell the police, or your dad, okay?"

"Er, okay.."

(Y/N) took a deep breath.

"I'm in love with a murderer."

A Guy to Die For (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now