Chapter 23

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~Ali's POV~

As soon as (Y/N) was out of sight, I smirked and jerked my knife from my pocket.

I honestly didn't like Vincent anyways. Might as well get rid of him, right? Plus, it'll probably hurt (Y/N) more than it'll hurt me. I snickered.

Now, I had to get out of here before (Y/N) came back.

I ran toward the entrance to pizzeria and pushed open the heavy glass doors before fleeing the place.


~Your POV~

You picked Vincent up in your arms.

Why did Ali always try to make your life miserable!?

You bit your lip and carried him out of the supply closet and to the office. The day shift worker wasn't there, but instead, it was Jeremy and Mike.

"They moved us to the dayshift." Mike muttered, flipping through the cameras.

Jeremy glanced over and saw Vincent unconscious in your arms. He gasped and stood up.

"W-What happened...!?"

"Ali happened," you growled. Mike looked up.

"We need to get him to a hospital." Mike murmured, studying Vincent carefully. "She stabbed him once or twice. Not sure if it's anything fatal, but.."

Jeremy jerked out his phone and dialed 911. You looked down at Vincent's limp body in your arm and started to run your fingers through his hair.

A Guy to Die For (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now