Chapter 40

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~Ali's POV~

"Game over, Ali."

In all honesty, I wanted to scream. I wanted to shout. I wanted to run.

But I just... Gave up.

I didn't move.

If I ran, they'd catch me.
If I shouted, they wouldn't listen.
If I screamed, they wouldn't hear me.

I heard the door to the building being thrown open.

"Alison Page, you're under arrest."

Mike pulled away from me.

His words rang in my ears as the cops put handcuffs on my wrists.

Game over, Ali.

I laughed insanely.

Game over? He really thought this was over?!


I wasn't going down like this.

~Mike's POV~

As soon as they had Ali in handcuffs, I went over to help them get Vincent and Jeremy into the ambulance.

They said they were going to give me a lift to the hospital, too, due to the fact that the cuts Ali had given me could be serious. I don't think it's anything serious to be honest, but hey, they're the doctors here.

By the time they had finished getting Vincent and Jeremy into the ambulance, they'd had gotten Ali to the police car, too. I actually laughed the whole time they dragged her to car, and I don't regret it. At all.

I hopped into the back of the ambulance as they shut the doors and drove off.

I glanced over at Jeremy and Vincent, and no matter how hard I tried not to think about it, one thought settled in my mind.

Are they going to make it...?

A Guy to Die For (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now