Chapter 39

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~Your POV~

"Scott, toss me your cellphone."


"Just do it!"

He gave you his cellphone. You swiftly called 911.

"911, how may I help you?"


~Ali's POV~

Mike glanced at Vincent, then looked at my knife. I grinned.

"Oh no..."

I threw my knife at Vincent, who was still unconscious on the floor.

sBut then, the unthinkable happened.

Jeremy jumped in front of the knife.


The knife hit Jeremy right in the stomach. I laughed insanely as he fell to the ground.

(OMG Jeremy fans will hate me now)

~Mike's POV~

I fell to my knees.


I felt the hatred burning inside me.

I looked up, only to see Ali looming over me.

I clenched my teeth in anger.

"Ali, this time you've gone too far...!" I snarled.

I jumped to my feet and punched her right in the mouth. She stumbled backwards as blood slowly started to drip from her mouth.

She looked up at me, hatred in her cold blue eyes.

I ran at her and knocked her against the wall, holding her down with all my strength as she tried to push me off.

But then, she froze, her eyes widening.

There was police sirens.

I smirked as she slowly fell limp under me, giving up.

"Game over, Ali."

A Guy to Die For (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now