Chapter 54

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(maybe I'll crush your dreams. Maybe I won't... Maybe I willlll... Maybe I won'tttttt...)

~Your POV~

You stood up.

"Vincent's been gone a while.. I'd better go check on him..." You muttered.

"I'm sure he's fine, but hey, whatever floats your boat," Mike said, leaning back in his chair.

You rolled your eyes at him before walking out of the building and down the street in search of Vincent.

You pulled your phone out dialed his number as you walked, knowing he'd took his phone outside when he'd left the building. However, Vincent didn't pick up.

You sighed, putting your phone away.

You walked past an alley. But then you stopped.

You turned and stared at it for a minute.

For some reason, you started to feel as if you needed to go into that alley. Trusting your instincts, and hoping for the best, you ran into the alley and turned a corner, running as fast as you could.

But then you skidded to a stop.

In front of you was a man with a knife held to Vincent's neck, and beside him was Ali, lying limp on the ground.

You slowly looked up, your eyes locking onto Vincent, who struggled beneath the man. But then you swiftly ran back around the corner and pressed up against the wall. You glanced over, trying to see what was happening.

"Idiot, I helped you, and this is how you repay me!?" Vincent snarled, still struggling to get away from him.

But then you froze in terror at what the man said next.

"This is exactly how I repay you. Because guess what? It's time to die~" The man broke into laughter at that moment as he quickly drew the knife away, getting ready to strike Vincent's neck.

And you don't know how or why you did what you did next, but you did it.

You ran at the man and knocked him out of the way. The knife fell out of his hand as you pinned him to the ground.

Your eyes locked onto his.

"Well if it isn't Vincent's girlfriend..." He purred, smirking.

You said nothing in reply but threw a punch at him. Your fist collided with his stomach, clearly causing a ton of pain.

He scowled and pushed you off of him before pinning you to the ground.

He grinned, but that grin didn't last for long.

Slowly his grip loosened and you kicked him off, only to realize what had happened.

Vincent had stabbed him.

Your eyes followed Vincent as he pulled the knife from the man's body.

The man gritted his teeth in pain as he bled out.

You jumped to your feet and ran over to Vincent. You threw your arms around Vincent, pulling him into a hug.

"Vincent, I'm so glad you're okay..." You choked out. He patted you on the back.

You looked up at him, only to see him staring at the man at his feet.

"Vincent, is there s-something wrong?"

He sighed, shaking his head. "No, (Y/N). It's just I expected him to try something, but I never would've even imagined him trying to kill me..."

You glanced over at Ali's limp body.

You walked over and kneeled down beside her.

You studied her for a moment, only to realize something. You let out a gasp.

"Vincent..." You said, your voice raising.

"She's still breathing...!"

He ran over. "What!? No, that's impossible! That knife should've struck her heart or something!"

"Well apparently it didn't, because she's still breathing."

"Well how long to think she'll live? Ya know, if we just left her like this?"

You shot him a glare but then looked at her again.

"Not long. Wait, when was she stabbed?"

"Just before you got here."

"Okay. Maybe there's enough time to save her-"

"(Y/N), you can't be serious."

"C'mon, we can just get her sent back to prison as soon as she's out of the hospital. We can't just leave her like this, Vin."

"Yes, we can." Vincent growled, grabbing your arm. You pulled away, rolling your eyes.


"Okay, fine, fine. We'll take her to a hospital. It's not like she's going to make it anyways. And if she does, don't blame me if she tries to kill you."

A Guy to Die For (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now