Chapter 44

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~Small time skip~

~Your POV~

You slowly blinked awake.

You glanced around, only to find yourself on your hospital bed.

You figured that you must've fell asleep on Vincent's shoulder and they'd brought you back to your room while you were asleep.

You sighed, sitting up in your bed. Your arm was still sore. You groaned, wondering when it would heal and you could get out of here.

You heard the door creak open and looked up.

Scott stepped in. You noticed he looked a bit worried.

"Scott, i-is there s-something wrong...?" You choked out.

"N-No." He stuttered, faking a smile as he tried to wipe the worry from his expression.

"Scott, there's something wrong." You said firmly, annoyed that he wouldn't tell you what was wrong. "Now what is it?"

"I-It's Jeremy..."

(You guys know I'm not evil enough to kill Jeremy, right?


Or am I?)



I leaned against the wall of the dark room.

I couldn't move very much; I was in of those horrible straitjackets. Ugh.

I'd only been in this darkness for a few days and I'd already gotten used to it.

I kinda think prison would've been better than this, but life isn't fair. So it looks like I'm stuck here.

I closed my eyes, leaning against the wall again.

I suddenly burst out into maniacal laughter.

"I don't deserve this!" I said in between the laughs.

I hated this. I was just trying to make sure that idiot (Y/N) got what she deserved! Justification is literally killing me right now!

My laughter turned into a chuckle as I opened my eyes to the same darkness as always.

I know I might never get out of this place.

But if or when I do, I don't think I'll be the same anymore.

No, let me rephrase that...

I don't think I'll be sane anymore.

A Guy to Die For (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now