Chapter Three

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Liam's POV:
I saw a girl with curly brown hair up in a ponytail running across the field.

I know her, but where and what's her name? Elle?

No, that not it. But dang, she was fast!

But I'm faster, I thought with a mental evil grin.

Henry and I can outrun, just about everyone in the class. But we always enjoy a challenge.

I caught up to her and tagged her.

As soon as my hand touched her, I froze. I felt tingles coming up my arm.

Well...This is around the time your wolf senses come out. 16–18-year-old, start to become more like their inner wolf.

Smell, sight, speed, balance and well everything else.

Tingles when you touched someone meant that they were your mate...but she didn't even smell like a wolf! Or does she?

I looked at her. She was making her way to the line, where people were waiting to get back into the game. I saw her walk up to another girl.

"Nice Ally!" That girl chirped in a high voice that hurt my ears a bit.

ALLY! Ah, that's her name!

I knew that...

"Thanks." Ally mumbled.

I took a deep breath.

Nothing....I took another breath.


I lasted five minutes smelling, when found something. It kind of smelled like wolf!

Before I checked it out, I felt someone tug at my shirt.

I looked around and saw that coach was calling everyone over.

I turned and saw Henry standing there.

"Dude, are you okay? You lasted like 10 minutes, just standing there after you tagged out that really hot girl..." He said, pushing me lightly.

My wolf didn't like the fact that, he called my girl hot, WAIT! My Girl?!?!

I mean Ally...

I just answered," Yeah fine." and walked over to the coach. for some reason I didn't want to tell Henry that she was my mate.

I didn't pay much attention to what he was saying, I just looked at Ally.

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Ally's POV:
The coach was telling us about what was going on this year.

I could feel someone eyes on me, but I didn't want to turn in case it was Liam.

If I looked at it, I'm sure I'll turn bright red.

I mean come on!

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