Chapter Six

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Ally's POV:
I hopped out of Dacey's car and headed into English class.

No one seems to care about getting to class, after all it's only the third day of school.

Teachers don't count tardiest in the first week.

Darcy was sick today, so I had to drive her her car.

It was that or going with my brother.

I think the choice is clear.

As I stepped into the classroom, I was amazed to see someone was already here.


It almost seemed as if he was waiting for me, since he looked up at me when I walked in.

He also did the weirdest thing.

He smiled at me, which he never did that. Or at least, smiling at me.

"Well, Hello there. Ally!"

Is he for real, right now? He talking to me.

"Uh....Hi, Henry....?" I said smooth.

"How has your day been?" He asked me.

"Creepy." I thought to myself.  "Well, it's just starting..." Way...To...Go!



"I was just wondering, if you were busy Friday night..." He trailed off.

Okay, now I'm sure this is some sort of game...

"No, why?" WOW, Talk about stupid question!

"Maybe you would like to go out." He said, regaining he confidence.

"Really?" I asked, not know, if I wanted to know the answer.

He just nodded.

"Then, yeah. I would love to." I answered.

"Cool, I'll pick you up at 8:00 then. Cutie pie. " He winked and with that walked out of the classroom.

What's the point? He has less than 5 minutes to be back in here.

As I finished that thought, Mrs. Carlisle walked in.

Huh... Didn't notice that she wasn't in here....

The bell rang and people started to rush in.

When Henry came in, he winked at me. And I fake smiled at him.

Then Liam, who came in right behind him, he seemed to notice. Because he just glared at Henry.

Jeez, what's his problem? And why is he always so moody?


I wonder how that works for a guy...


Moving on....

Mrs. Carlisle got the class to settle down, before telling us about our next assignment was.


It's always....

I wonder what's going to happen Friday night....

My First Date! With Henry Trousdale!

I wonder where he taking me...?

DISNEY WORLD! Get real Ally, like he could afford to take me there. On the first date. I said to myself, shaking some sense into my head.

Beside, we are in Minnesota....

Mall Of America? Maybe, but too many people. And I hate big crowds.

Wait does he even have my phone number? Or address?

I looked around for Henry. I jumped a bit, when I realized. That he was sitting right behind me.

I quickly wrote down my phone number and address, then gave it to him when the teacher wasn't looking.

Not like she would bust me out anyway.

What? I tike being the teacher's pet.

There's a good side to things!

When I gave him the note, he looks at me and just smiled.

I could of sworn that I heard, a growl from Liam who was sitting next to Henry.


What's his problem?

I decided that I should at least pay a bit of attention, so I focus of Mrs. Carlisle for a while.

Even though my mind was thinking a bunch of things.

So not really paying attention, right?

Oh well....

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