Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Ally's POV:
I noticed two things right after I woke up.

One, my head is about to burst. Hopefully it will splash my brain? All over my room and end my pain...

Two, my heart was gone and broken.

It was now, just a hole. All empty and torn to pieces. Only pain and sadness were left.

I actually had to lift my shirt up to make sure that, there wasn't a black hole right where my heart used to be.

Thank God it was Saturday, No school.

I looked around for the noise, that had woken me up.

What had knocked me out in the first place?

All the pain I felt.


Darcy had busted trough the locked door, leaving it hanging on its hinges, broken.


I'm going to have to fix that.

"Er...Sorry, Kinda needed to do that. I was worried, I have been knocking on your door for over an hour!" She complained.

Over and hour!?!?!

What time is it?

I just nodded. I couldn't find my voice. My throat just felt dry, from all the crying yesterday. I hope it was yesterday and not 3 days ago...

Who knew how much time had gone by.

Darcy noticed that I had a hard time trying to talk, so she handed me a bottle of water out of who knows where.

"Thanks." I whispered after chugging it all down.

A whisper was all I could manage to do.

"Your welcome. I know that you don't want to talk about it now, but when you do, I'll be more than happy to listen." She offered then hugging me.

All I could do was smile and hug her back.

I had the awesome friend ever, she just knew me so well. I was lucky to have someone like her to rely on.

We made our way to the kitchen for me to have some breakfast. The timer on the stove said that it was already 1:37pm.

Wow, I slept or fainted for some time.

Mom and dad probably went out for breakfast, Carlos is at a friend's house.... I think...Not sure.

I'm a great older sister.

Note the sarcasm.

"Look who's up." Brandon said, coming from the living room, probably playing Halo or Assassins Creed like every weekend.

"Who is?" I asked, Playing dumb. I knew he hated when I did that, but to my amazement he only rolled his eyes at me.

Oh well, can't always annoy everyone!

I poured myself some cereal, I don't know what type though...

I just ate it.

Don't think about him...

Don't think about him....

Think about who? My brain asked.





I hope you are...


Now I'm thinking about him.... I HOPE YOU DROWN IN UNICORN BLOOD, BRAIN!

That's right, I went there.

I felt something whack my face and saw Darcy's hand, where the pain was coming from. Did she just slap me?

Stupid unicorn thoughts...

"Huh?" Was all I got out.

"Zoning out again?" She stated, even though it came out as a question to me.

I looked down at my bowl for evidence.

It was empty now.

And Brandon was now gone back to his Xbox to play halo with his friends.

I guess I did zone monkey backs out...

"Yep! Why are you grinning like that..." I trailed off, a bit scared as I looked at her.

A huge smile was now covering her small, elf-ish features.

Huh oh...

Can't be good...

"What evil plan do you have?" I almost whispered.

My plans were bad, but I got them often.

She didn't get them a lot, so hers where 500000 times worse than mine...

"Were going shopping!" She beamed at me.

That's it?





"WHY, WOMAN, WHY?!?!? OH WHY!!?!?!?!?!" I shouted dramatically, throwing myself on the floor for effects.

Can't ever overdo it.

"You heard me."

"But why?" I complained back.

"I have a plan, and it involves you in tight clothes and short skirts." She even added an evil smile at the end.

Now I'm sure she's high in the clouds.

"You know that's never going to happen." I stated firmly.

"I have my ways."

"Like using brain poison?" I snorted.


"You have nothing." I smirked at her.

"Oh yes I do!" She snapped her fingers at me.

Did she really do that?

She looked like a baboon butt bimbo...

"Oh yeah shorty?"

"Oh yeah." She mimicked me.

"Like what?"

"You'll see."

"I bet you can't make me." I was sure of that.

"Really?" She retorted.


"Then deal is on."

And we shook hands on it.

Shook hands on my doom.

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