Chapter Twenty-Five

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Dacey's POV:
I should have known that I could, always trusted Ally with my life.

I followed her into the house. There were glass all over the place.

When we both saw blood, we started to panic more.

Ally ran into the room, and I followed shortly.

Ally seemed to be studying her brother.

I was too busy looking at the wolf on the floor.

I couldn't help and gasp , that escaped my lips.

"Dad..." I shocked on my words.

He was dead.

I started to sob, but I cry in happy a way.

Finally! I thought to myself.

He won't keep on abusing me or my mother!

While Ally seemed to take my sobbing in a sad a grieving way, as she pulled me into a tight hug to comfort me.
"Shh, I'm so sorry! It's going to be alright, Dace."

Sorry? I apologise as I need to explain everything to Ally

Right, I haven't told her yet...

"Sorry about what? He deserved to die, a long time ago." I finally got it all out.

"Huh? W-What do you mean?" Ally asked clueless.

Well, that is first for her. She heard about secret pass.

"I guess, I have some explaining to do." Ally just nodded.

I felt bad about the fact that, she felt so guilty over my father's death. But If you asked me, I would tell you that. It was something that should of happen the first day, that he hurt my mom, then with me following right after he was done with mom.

He leaving her bleeding on the floor for no reason. I wish that I could of done something about that...

But I couldn't, didn't have have the strength or power. To stand up to my own father, hurting my mother. Now it too late.

She is in the hospital. Because what he did to her. And I...couldn't do anything to stop it, I'm so weak and pathetic.

All I can do is hope...

"What happen?" Ally asked, a bit scared of me answer.

She still had one of her arms wrapped around me for support, which is good because I'm pretty sure that I would have collapsed on the floor if she wasn't there.

I was about to opened my mouth, when someone else voice cut me off.

"What has happened here?"

It was the alpha...

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Ally's POV:
"What has happened here?" Gregg asked, when is someone to answer. Before I could hear Dacey's going to say.

"Why is there blood and glass all over the place?" He asked again.

"One of the rouges broke in here, but Brandon took care of it." I answered. I could tell that he wanted, someone else besides me to answer.

Oh well.

"Is anyone hurt?"

"Only Brandon, but it's not that bad, just a claw mark down on his arm." I informed.

It felt weird being all formal and all.


I saw Liam limping in, some guy helping him.

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