Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Ally's POV:
As soon as we walked through the doors, I rushed over to the kitchen and washed and rinse my mouth.

It was soaked in deer blood.


As soon as I caught my first prey, Liam laid it in the pile with the others, while I rushed in the house and into the bathroom. To clean my mouth as it didn't take him long to catch up though.

It doesn't taste that bad....

EW! STOP! BAD ALLY! Liam tease.




Are vampires even real?


I grabbed the bottle of soap as best as I could, with my claws and squirted a large amount into my snout.


I washed it all out, making the soap bubbles.

"Are you done yet?" A husky voice asked me.

I jumped a bit, too deep in thought. To notice the Liam was in here. But I still nodded at him. I didn't like to talk, while I was in wolf form.

It sounded weird. It's not high pitched or low, It's just weird.

He had taken this time to shift back and get dressed.

He was holding out a pair of clothes.

Girl clothes to be exact.

They weren't mine, but hey look clean and comfy. As it smell like lavenders or something, along those lines.

He held them out further, signaling me to take them. "Get dressed, I need to take you home already."

It was already getting dark, So I just muttered a quick 'thanks' before grabbing the clothes and walking up to my room.

I mean, THE room...not my room.

I really need to stop saying that...

It was late, but I had already called my parents and told them. That we would be going home a bit later than I planned.

I also told them that Dacey would be staying with us for a while, luckily no questions were asked in return.

As I struggled to open the door, someone else opened it from the inside.

It was Dacey.

'No-duh.' The smart part of my brain retorted. 'Who did you expect it to be? Santa? A bit early doesn't you think?'

"Screw you! No one asked for your sarcasm." I shoot back in a weird in imaginary accent.

"Hey." She said, probably feeling awkward talking to a wolf.

"'Ello yellow!"


"Sure, why not?"

She chuckled and rolled her eyes at my silliness, something that usually wasn't there.

I shifted back and got dressed.

I don't care if Dacey saw me naked. She of my best-friend, we go shopping together and go into dressing rooms together.

Or shower in the girls changing room and getting dressed, so it's not that weird to change in front of a friend.

I led her downstairs where Brandon was waiting for us with his 'Ninja Bags'.

As soon as he saw Dacey, he perked up.

"Dacey, look! I'm so sorry about what happened to your dad-" I cut him off by shoving my hands into his mouth.

That's right, I said that to him.

If I just put it over, then he'll keep mumbling, while if I do this, he's likely to gag and/or trough up.

Luckily it was the first one and he choked on his spit.

"What the flappers was that for?" He asked pissed.

At least we speak the same language.

I rolled my eyes and answered, "For being such a flipper-flapper-tapper-yapper!" Gave him the 'Yes, I just went there' look.

He was about to snap something back, but he was cut off by laughter.

From two people to be exact...

Dacey and Liam.

I could feel my cheeks flush red, probably making me look like a fire hydrant or tomato at least.

I hadn't noticed that Liam was in here....

Slowly, Dacey managed to get up. Clutching her stomach.

She had to lean into Brandon, so that she wouldn't fall.

As soon as their skin touched, she froze and looked up wide-eyed at Brandon.

He was also frozen.

Both seemed to even forget about us being here.

I just watched as Brandon slowly moved towards her face.

Liam tugged lightly on my elbow, nodding outside. Probably to give them some privacy.

I shuddered a bit from the tingles and just nodded and walk outside into their massive garage.

That was weird...

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