Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Ally's POV:
I looked into Liam's eyes...and honestly, I was a bit scared. I could be hurt, or anger, jealousy, or - wait, jealousy? That must somewhat be wrong...

ANYWAYS, I was a bit scared.

After a couple of split seconds, his eyes softened and turned all creamy and warm setting. I sighed in relief at the fact, he had cooled down a bit.

"Well, see, well.." Yes, stuttering will get you anywhere.

"Look, its fine. Lets just go and talk over this." He calmly said.

Wow, that's a first. A guy, wanting to actually talk things out...weird.

"But, what about class?" Yes, I'm a total nerd.

"Pss, forget about that. Come on, you too Darcy." He nodded towards the PDQ gas station across the street that had a little café in it.

I tried not to laugh as Dacey turned red. "It's DAR, R-E-Y. Grr..."

I'm pretty sure Liam did that, just to annoy her...Oh, I love Liam. Wait, did I say. I love Liam,

I do I really love him, I mean like, really LIKE him. Yeah...that's what it's Well, I don't dislike or I wouldn't care about him.

But anyway, we just both ignored Darcy's remark. And just continued our little debate.

"But we'll miss class, and we had a math test today!" I pushed on further.

"Oh, don't worry. I have connections."

Before I could ask him what type of connections or what he meant by that, he grabbed my wrist and tugged me away from school. All I did was to grab Dacey along with me as we were being pulled, through the parking lot by my hot mate.

Sure, it would have been funnier -yes, it's a word- if my heels weren't digging -yes, another word- into the ground, burning off the bottom part of my shoes. Meh, who cares?

Liam quickly pushed us inside the small store and dragged us over to a small table. The cashier, which just so happened to be an old lady. giving us weird looks.

Whether it had to do with the fact that we were supposed to be in school or something, the fact that a man was dragging two ladies, I had no idea.

"Okay, now you can talk." Liam announced.

I looked at Dacey for help and she just shook her head at me. Great....note the sarcasm.

"Umm....Where should I start?" Yes, dumb question, I know. But hey! I can't do much better than that!

"The beginning?" He offered. Well, DUH!

"Well, first of all, I'm thirsty and a bit cold. Soo, HOT CHOCOLATE TIME!"

Before anyone could stop me, I bolted up and run towards their chocolate section. My eyes scanned all of them until I found the one that I wanted, White Chocolate Caramel. Yummy. Well, this is a good distraction...

I picked up the biggest cup that they had, which was only 24 ounces. Aww, that's so little...

I filled they cup with the yummy hot delicious liquid, until it was about two inches from the top. I could feel Liam,s eyes still burning into my back as I did so, as for Dacey...Probably off doing some elf or leprechaun thing.

I finished filling it to the top with French Vanilla and High Energy Mocha. I glanced around, wondering what else I could add to the already filled cup. My eyes landed on a cart with concentrated flavors of stuff.

Liam gave me weird looks and I squirted hazel nut into my drink. Well, too bad for him. I added extra vanilla and some caramel, before taking a sip out of my drink. Of course, Liam made a face at me, but I couldn't care less.

I was in pure bliss as the sweetness danced around my tongue.

I took a couple more sips before letting Liam drag me back towards our table. Such a party-pooper.

We both sat down, and Liam arched his eyebrow at me, waiting for a story. Jeez, he must really be into gossip and stuff...

I took one last sip and sighed. Well, heck with my life!

"Umm, well, one night...I just went into my room and...err.... I found Henry just sitting on my window.... being a creeper, like always?" I told. By the look on his face, I could tell that he wanted more information, so I continued and I did just that.

"I told him to go away, but he just keeps coming back. Continued annoying me. Well, today was the first time that...

He...umm...must followed me outside of my house, I guess..." I trailed off, waiting for a reaction.

His face was blank, yet I could tell. That he was deep in thought. Suddenly, he got up. Sending the chair sliding backwards. I let out a little yelp, as he stomped his way towards the door.

"Umm, Liam? Where are you going?" I asked weakly.

"To kill that mother f**king." Were his words.

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