Chapter Thirty-Five

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Ally's POV:
I left the band room, just to go. Its worst part of the day.

It math.

It's not hard or anything, but it's two hours long doing that. Two hours listening to the teacher talking about numerals and equations, well. Pretending to listen anyway.

At least Darey is in it.... Liam isn't though. It advanced Math.

Let's just say, he hardly passes regular Math. Everyone knows that.

I walked into the class with a few seconds to spare, no biggie.

Darcy and I took our spots in the middle section and waited for the bell. No one comes in after it though, I guess you can say that were all 'goodie two shoes' in here. The school 'Nerds', 'Teacher's pet', and on and on....

I took about a sheet of graph paper and started to color in every other box in it. Boredom, definition- the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest.

Yep, Lack of interest here.

Half of the class, I just sat there drawing on paper, and the other half passing notes with Darcy.

Nothing new really, just talking about our beloved mates...

According to Darcy, Brandon's teeth were getting sharper to help them complete their matting. That much I had noticed this morning.

Liam and I though...

I'm not sure where we stand, wonder if we are in the friendship zone, I guess. He hasn't even marked me yet.

Now that I think about it, I want him to and I want him to mark me. Make me his own. But he hasn't yet, but on the other hand.

We haven't been dating yet either. I mean, we aren't even boyfriend and girlfriend, at this point.

Am I jealous of Dacey, because she found her mate. Thinking about completing their mating. while I'm trying to barely get my mating started.

I don't think that, does he even likes me...If it didn't hurt to be away from me, that he wouldn't even sit next to me.

That he doesn't even want to be my mate, he's already found someone else who he likes... I sure hope not.

I don't want to rush him into something that, he isn't ready or might regret for the rest of his life. Which is a long time to think about that right now.

Dacey said that when your mated, you age slower. You age one year with every four and a half years that go by, but when one of the maters die, the other one ages at a normal pace.

I wonder how old Liam's dad is.

Or how about his mom? I haven't met her yet, but I hope she's nice though.

The bell rung and I jumped straight out of my seat and ran towards the gym, not something that I would usually do. But I really wanted to see Liam...

"Desperate much?" I heard Dacey tease behind me.

"Me? Desperate? NEVER!" I answered dramatically.

"Hm." Was all she said.

I got dressed quickly into my gym clothes, my hair was already up in a ponytail, so I didn't even have to do much with it.

I always have my hair up in a ponytail, even when I leave it down in the morning, I put it up when I get to school. It dries too frizzy and curly. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SO CURLY?!?! HUH?

I wish it was straight...I just thought if something. Most of the time, People with straight hair want curly, and people with curly want straight. Is it a human thing to always complaining what we don't have?

Now that I think about it, I would miss my curls...

WHY AM I THINK ABOUT HAIR IN P.E.? I am turning into a bimbo...Next thing I know, I'll be giggling for no reason.

When I saw Liam, one word came to mind-


Sexy, super-hot, amazing, hunky doesn't even begin to cover it.

He was with the guys, doing some warm-ups. His gray shirt making his blue eyes pop, his muscles tugging at it hinting at the 8-pack. That he surely had.

He had a smirk plastered on his face, that softened a bit when he saw me.

All I could do was stare though.

Why did the hottest jock in the school have to be my mate?

The player has to be the nerd's mate.

This is going to get difficult...

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