Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Ally's POV:
After two hours, Darcy managed to convince me to go to the mall with her tomorrow.

Great, another problem on my list.

I wonder how I could get out of this.... I will be pretty hard, since Darcy can be stubborn
And bossy.

I walked back into my room to clean up.

I hadn't seen a mirror all day, and I'm sure that I'm a mess.

I flipped the lights on before walking towards my dresser.

I jumped a bit when I saw my reflection.

'Mess' doesn't even begin to cover the thing in the mirror. More like a freaking zombie! My skin looked, is dead look and pale in my eyes are still puffy.

My make-up was smudged off to the side and my hair looked like a dodo bird's nest.

It was the opposite of what I looked like yesterday...

I shuddered a bit as I kept looking. The more I looked, more worst that it seemed.

Seeing as it would be helpless trying to wipe it off, I just got undressed and take a shower. All the dirty-ness from my body was washed off along with my pain.

All that was left was a numb and cold feeling. There was just a bit of pain, maybe because my heart was attached to his with an unbreakable steel thread.

After went for a shower then I got out and plopped down onto my bed.

It was almost 5pm, which means my mom would be making dinner by now.

I slipped on a sweater and some sweat pants, Dumb Minnesota. Its burning hot during the day, sunset at 4pm and from there on it starts to snow.

Again, Bipolar state.

I put on some fuzzy socks and dragged my feet out of my room.

Darcy was witting for me by the downstairs.

Ever since I told her we could go to Mall of America tomorrow; she wouldn't shut her whale-fin mouth up.

She actually had a list of the stores we would go into, and she expected me to be up by 7am on a Sunday.

Let me repeat that, 7AM ON A GIRAFFE FARTING SUNDAY!

You would think after this weekend that I deserved a break, but no! Not according to Darcy!

"-So, then we could go into Forever 21, than Victoria's Secret-" And she kept on talking about just about every single store in the mall.

I walked down the steps with her following me, not even pausing to take a breath.

She should be on the swim team; she must have great lungs to keep talking like that for over a day...

I went to the dining room and put my head in my hands, getting a headache from the buzzing noise next to me.

Wait, That's Darcy...

My bad.

I know!

"Hey, why don't you go see what Brandon's doing?" I snap, cutting her off from the manicure place. That she was talking about.

Luckily it worked as she just said, 'Good idea' and went off.

She's way to cheerful today as she can give me some space to just soak in my misery.

I sat there continue to drowning my sorrows at the table.

How pitiful...why I'm I in so much pain, how can he break my heart like that. HOW!

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