Chapter Forty-Four

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Ally's POV:
Ever wanted to trip Karma land into the mud, chew on it and throw a bucket of feathers on top of that.

While riding a tricycle? Well, I feel like doing that now...

Even though I don't know how to ride a tricycle, I guess I'll just have to learn and well?

Anyway, want to know why. I'm having a flamingo-fit right now? No? Well, I'm telling you anyway.

I'm throwing a flamingo-fit right now, because I only have two choices. Left or right? That's right, Left or right of Liam.

Somehow that two-timing jerk got the only to empty seats in the whole classroom to be right next to him.

The teacher was yelling at us to hell sit down, so I couldn't try to trade seats with someone else in this class...

I went ahead and took the right one, since it was closest to the teacher. If he tries to talk to me, then he would get caught.

Darcy was then forced to take left, but I'm sure that she didn't mind anyway. Of course, she was my best friend. So she was shooting daggers with her eyes at Liam.

If looks could really kill, Liam should have been beaten last Easter. What a happy time that would be...

'You don't mean that.', My annoying conscious stated. Pretty cocky if you asked me.

'How do you know that?' I snapped back at it. Why do I always end up in a mental debate whenever I see him?

'Hello! I'm you, so I know you!'

'That doesn't make sense! If you were me then how do you talk to me?' I argued.

Causa I'm awesome that way!'

'Fine, if you're so awesome, then what am I thinking of?' I was getting frustrated at it now.

'Stop changing the subject, we both know I'm here to talk to you. About Liam over there.'

'Answer the shelling question, you dumb brain!!!'

'You realize you called yourself stupid, anyways 'your' thinking about Liam riding a hippo.'

Dang...It was good.


I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of my name being called, It was the teacher.... Greatness....

"I said, what is y if x is 13 in y=mx+b form?"

Oh, this is Math...

I looked up at the problem on the board and quickly did the equation.

"28.637" I answered automatically once I came up with an answer that seemed reasonable.

"That'd right. Now class, please go to you books, chapter 8-2. Do problems 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 12-47 odds."

I let my hands to the work without paying any attention, I was too busy trying to talk to my conscious again.

"What are you doing?" Liam whispered next to me.

I jumped a bit, and tried to not be dazed by his warm, smooth voice. Dang, I miss him...

"Riding a pony, how about you?" I asked sarcastically.

"Doing work, in my MATH book."

I looked down to see what he meant; I was currently flipping through my English book.


"Oh." I could feel a light blush picking at my skin at the thought of how stupid that must look.

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