Chapter Four

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Liam's POV:
I watched as Ally's friend dragged, a dazed her out into the parking lot.

Henry came up behind me and slapped my back.

"Dude! Are you sure you're, okay? You've seem to been a bit off, since this morning..." Henry asked, sounding worried.

"Uh... Sure, just need to go running..." I answered, still dazed. All I could think of was those beautiful brown eyes. All warm and milky.

"Oh no...."

He knows I only go running when there's something troubling my mind.

"Don't worry, its nothing that is dangerous to the pack."

That seemed to calm him down, but he was still a bit on edge. We both weren't full wolves, so I couldn't reassure him with my mind.

For us to be full wolves, we need to be mated...And now I might be soon...

But does Ally even know she's a wolf?

Her inner wolf might not be that strong.

If she doesn't know then this could be awkward...

Well, she probably doesn't know much about me... I mean come on! I didn't even know her name!

Wait... Ally as in Allyson....Hernandez?

Wasn't she in my middle school? I feel bad for not remembering her...

Well back then I was just learning about our pack, didn't know that much about mates.

I still should remember someone, that I've known for 6 years... Well, knowing in school, but never good to know her back then.

As I too busy, about me being a werewolf.

Huh, I guess I'm not that good with names and faces anyway.

As soon as we got home, I took my clothes off and transformed into my wolf. Before I started to run.

I wonder if she could turn into....

Even if you're not a full wolf, you still can turn. You're just a lot weaker than a full wolf.

I just ran without really paying attention for a while....

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Ally's POV:
As I waved good-bye to Darcy then I felt something tug on my jeans.

I looked down to see Sparks.

Sparks is my little black chihuahua covered in white spots.

"Well, hello there boy!" I sang out in a high-pitched voice. He seemed to like that, since he barked and started to chase his tail. I seemed to understand him more than my brothers, which is weird.

I've always been pretty good with animals.

My mom always joked around saying that in a past life I've must have been some sort of wild animal.

And I am wild....

Just at home...

I've been trying to forget Liam, but there's something in the back of my mind or inside of me.

That just keeps making me think of him, before gym today. I managed to keep me off of my mind. But now, I just can't.

Ever since he touched me, I just can't forget those spark.

I don't know if he felt them, but he must have felt something to stay frozen. Like that for 10 minutes.

Maybe I'm just over-thinking things.

Nah, that's not it.

I'm just making up a little fairytale.

I do tend to space out and think of weird things.

Oh, well. I thought, closing my bedroom door. I guess I'll find something out, when I see him tomorrow.

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