Chapter Twenty-One

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Ally's POV:
I sat on my bed doing the last and next week's homework.


I like doing it early, like that so I can just relax for the week.

Algebra does give me a headache though...

Better to get it over with now.

My phone started to ring.

I read the screen.

Incoming call from Liam.


I didn't even have his number or given mine; how did he even get mine in the first place?

Maybe while I was unconscious, or when I spent the last few days at his place. As he had my phone.

I flipped the phone open and hit the answer button.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Ally, I need you to come to my house right away. It's an emergency. And bring Brandon with you.

We're going to need all the help we can get."

Quickly I wrote the address he instruct me on my notebook and ripped out the page.

He hung up, which probably meant. That he was in a rush and seem urgent, if he needed me and my brother.

I did as I was told and got Brandon before heading to his home.

This can't be good.

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Liam's POV:
How could we let this happen?

How could we let the rouges close enough to actually attack one of our wolves?

We have to do something about it.

Right now.

I picked up my phone and dialed Ally's number.

I knew that it would come handy to copy it down from her phone, it good thing that I put my number in her cellphone as 'Liam'.

I could have saved it as 'Mate's, but I didn't want to freak her out and confused her by doing that.

Come on, please answer!

I heard her pick up on the third ring.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Ally, I need you to come to my house right away. It's an emergency. And bring Brandon with you. We're going to need all the help we can get." I got out in one breath.

I gave her my address quickly.

I heard her ripping a sheet out and I hung up.

I needed the pack together.

If we want to win with little deaths battlenon our side, then we need to work together.

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Ally's POV:
As we hopped out of the car and ran into the house, we could see everyone heading outside. So we just followed them, hopping that they would lead us to Liam.

He sounded really worried and desperate on the phone.

As we got outside, we could hear Liam.

"Everyone, please settle down and take a seat."

Once he saw me, he flashed a smile before carrying on.

There were logs and benches around Liam.

People were quickly filling them up.

Brandon and I sat on the edge of a log.

"As most of you have heard, the rouges from the Canadian border. Are closing in on us. The full moon is in five days, they have given us until that to move out."

Some growls were heard on that last statement.

"But of course, we will not back down. Without a fight."

That one earned some cheering.

"First we need to train harder our combat skills. We will also need someone to go and check out what we are up against."

I could have sworn that he looked at Brandon, when he said that.


He better not...

"We need to make sure that, if needed everyone can defend for themself. Even little kids should start to learn the basics, you never know what could happen.

We need to prepare ourselves for the "What if scenario. We can't rely on one plan. We need a backup plan, even a backup back up plan come into play.

We fail might, we may lose our homes. Split up and become rouges ourself. Now we can't let that happen, can we?" Many muttered no.

"Then that's all I need to say. Split up and go train and plan." His words made everyone go straight into action.

I forgot to ask him what happens on a full moon...

I guess that I'll find out, sooner or later. I got up and walked towards him.

"What did you need from us?" I asked, skipping the hellos.

I need answers. Now.

"I need you to help us, to become a warrior. The as best as you can in the next five days, that is." He stated.

"Then what do you need from Brandon? He can't shift."

Please don't say spy. Please don't say spy. PLEASE DON'T SAY EFFIN' SPY!!! I said in my head.

"I need him to be our spy."

Okay, this whole begging in my head thing.

Soo not working for me.

"WHAT?!" Me and Brandon answered at the same time shockingly.

Except mine was outraged and his was excited.

"No, no way! They will skin him alive, before ripping him to shreds and mould him to death!" I pretty much shouted at him.

"Thanks for the support sis." My big brother said sarcastically.

"They won't ever find him! He is special. His scent blends in really well. I've only been able to smell it once, and it was a very light trace. I couldn't even tell you were related.

His scent didn't give anything away. If the rouges smell it, they will probably think that it's one of their own. Plus, he is really good at sneaking around." Liam tried to persuade me.

They both looked at me with begging eyes.

Is Brandon really asking me, his little sister for permission.

I never thought this day would happen.

Yet, here it is.

He must really be desperate.

"Fine." I muttered. "Just don't let him get hurt, alright!" I said making Liam promise you keep my big brother safe.

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