Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Liam's POV:
I was trying to catch my breath.

Saying that I had worked really hard today, it was the understatement of the year. I was tired for crying out loud!

Lycians don't get tired easily!

I did my best to persuade the coach to let us out early today.

It was hard, but worth it.

I had to be ready for my date with my girl, I mean my mate.

I couldn't be late for my first date with Ally of cause!

Well, it's not my first date, but I haven't had my first kiss yet. If I had my first kiss, then I would have marked someone else.

But I wouldn't want to do that!

I wonder if she'll let me mark her tonight. We had waited a while. A few months exactly, when I wanted Ally to be my mate and my girlfriend.

I'm so nervous!

I didn't care if my father pushes me into being alpha! I know that I was afraid of my mate before, because I didn't want to lead the pack.

But now that I found my mate, I want her to be all mine and only mine.

Wow, talk about cheesy.

I walked towards the showers across the field.

Almost everyone left, wanting to be away from school on a Friday night.

As I made my way over to the lockers, someone arms wrapped around me waist.

I was hoping be Ally!

Please, please, please! I was wishing.

I turned around and saw one of slutty girl. While I think that she was the one that had been following me.

All day and even though, I ignore her. She still continue to hits on me.

Can you spell desperate on her?

"Well, hello their Lee." She purred.

Lee? Really?

"Err...Hi." What was her name? Serena? Sophia? Sarah? I don't seem learn any of these, bimbos names.

"You know, I'm free tonight." She offered.

"So?" I wasn't in the mood to deal with her right now, I just wanted be with my Ally.

My Ally? Possessive as much?

"So, do you want to go to my place?" She pushed.

"No, but thank." I said, trying to be a little nice... "I already have plans." I added, before she could say something else.

"Do your plans include this?" She asked, lunging herself at my face.

"What the-?" She cut me off as her lips pressed against mine.

What's the freak is she doing?!

I pursed my lips close, so I wouldn't mark her.

I would be doomed if I mark her as my mate, not like I would ever want to do that or want to.

And it all felt wrong, really wrong!

She was still sucking on my face as she has her arms round, trapping me in place as I try to pulled her off. Like a piece of gum stuck to my face.

I heard someone stumble back and saw Ally. She had small tears in her eyes, the wind picking up around her.

She looked so beautiful, her hair straight and her lashes so long with that dress....

And she had seen that.

Oh no.

I took a step towards her, worried about her and scared of her reaction. Since it wasn't going to be a good one.

She turned around and ran pretty fast in her heels.

NO! I cry.

I push the slutty member way from me and ran towards Ally, not caring about the Barbie slut in the field.

I needed to be with Ally, right now.

I watched as she got into her car and whipped her tears away, my heart breaking with hers.

I could feel the rain on my skin, but I couldn't care less about that right now.

She must think I was cheating on her, right?

She has to know that truth!

Will she believe me though?

I ran to her house, not bothering to take my car, even though it could have been faster.

I needed to hold her....

I rushed to the door and Ally was nowhere in sight.

I ran to her front door, a very worried Darcy standing by it. What should I tell Darcy? That I'm sorry that I hurt her best friend, but I didn't do anything?

It was the slutty bimbo who forced herself on me, Ally just walked in at the wrong moment?

"I need to talk to her." Where the first words out of my mouth.

"Look, I don't know what you did to her, but she doesn't want to see you. I suggest you leave and don't come back." She snapped at me.

"You don't get it!" I was starting to lose my patience.

I tried to shove past her, but Brandon stopped me. Blocking me from going any further.

"Stop, you are not seeing my sister. She doesn't want to see you, I suggest you just make things easy and leave." He warned.

I could easily get past them, but I could hurt them in the process. Or cause any more problems. If I did that, Ally would hate me even more.

I could feel a hole developing in my chest at the thought of my mate rejecting me. A fear that I had tried to face, but it ended up coming back and biting me in the butt.

I took unsteady steps away from their porch.

Luckily, they had some small woods in the back, and it was getting dark. I shifted and ran. I didn't know where or cared where I go, it didn't matter as long I can think about.

What just happened as much as it hurts me, that my mate wasn't with me and she think I betrayed her.

If only if she's saw that that bimbo, was making the moves on me not the other way.

I ran deep up in the woods and just think what can I do to make, her understand what really happened tonight at school.

Skin DeepOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora