Chapter Forty-One

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Ally's POV:
I was sitting on a booth, Liam next to me.

I cached my reflection on the glass on the side of the booth.

My hair looked messed up, and my yellow sun dress was all over the place.

I looked over at Liam, his hair was just as messed up from running around with me. There was a playful glint to his eyes.

But looks a little bit unhappy, but I didn't seem to care about that.

I reached up to fix my hair up a bit, when his sudden his my grabbed my hand. Than placed his hand on my cheek.

He turned my face around to his and started to lean in closer to me. I did the same.

His lips are so close...

I wonder how they would- no, will fell pressed up against mine.

My eyes started to shut.

I could feel his breath and was about to feel his lips-


My eyes flashed open, and I groaned.

I sat up and turn off the alarm, before rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes.

That dream...

It was the same that I had in the manicure place. But now I'm in my bedroom.

I sighed and got up.

For some reason I really wanted that to be true, even after what he did to me.

I went into the bathroom and took my time in the shower, not wanting to see the clothes that Dacey had picked out for me. That we shopping for yesterday.

I took extra time making sure that ,I brushed each tooth for 10 seconds and what other way. To waste time?

Finally, I walked out of the bathroom to see the clothes on my chair.

Tight blue/gray cropped top with jean short shorts.


I got dressed in those 'clothes' and put a baggy sweater and jean before heading down.

They might come handy later.

I knew that I was a few minutes late, which meant that my brothers had already left.

I didn't want them to see me in these...things.

I groaned as I saw Dacey. She made a face, before putting an approving look on.

Great, she knows I look like a antelope eating slut. But this is for my revenge, so I have to suck it up.

Why do I like to randomly say animal names?

I have no llama idea why.


Any who, I just ignored her and went to the kitchen to grab an apple.

"Don't say it. Don't say I look 'cute'" I warned her as I got back, her mouth was already open to say it.

"Fine, let's go!"

I grabbed my trombone and cheerleading bag on my way out.

We had practice today, which I really didn't feel like going to. But I have to... If I don't, one of those bitches, might kick me out. I had missed the first few practices...

I got into the cherry red car that was Dacey's and waited to her to catch up.

The drive to school was silent, a comfortable type of silence.

When we got there, Liam's car was surrounded with people as usually.

But that's not what caught my eye, it was Liam.

He looked tired and worn out and it look like he hadn't slept for days.

My heart started to hurt, knowing that it had something to do with me.

But I could he really be sorry? Really sorry, but Could it all off, been a misunderstanding?


He had the choice...

Didn't he?

Great, now I'm doubting myself.

I bit my lip and looked at Dacey, she knew what I was thinking.

"Nu-uh. You're not backing out now." She stated, before adding, "Just let him suffer a bit more. He did worse to you. Just don't let him get to you."

She was right, he did hurt me too.

But didn't I hurt him more?

It's not like I've done anything....


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