Chapter Fifty-Three

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Ally's POV:
I stood there, frozen as I witnessed the scene before my eyes.

How didn't I notice this before?

Carlos was running around with a bar on his face, shouting like Tarzan. Sparks had some unknown green substance on his fur, with his tail sticking out oddly.

Darcy was running after Brandon. I'm guessing the liquid dripping, from her head might have something to do with that.

Will they ever grow up? I really question their sanity at some points.

"WHAT IN THE MONKEY BUSINESS IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!?" I actually had to shout in order to be heard over their loud noise.

Really, how had I not noticed this before?

Oh, that's right. I was near Liam...

I watched as they all frozen, even Sparks. They just turned to look at me, fear in their eyes. They looked like deer's caught in headlights.

That's right! Fear my non-existent wrath!

They look funny though...

"Um..." Brandon started.

"'Um...'" I mocked.

"We're just messing around?" Darcy offered up.

"Uh-hu. I thought you guys had a date?" I asked.

"We did, But Bray here decided to pour some thing on me and lets just say things went down hill from there." She babbled.



I mean, come on!

Brady? It sounds too....cute.

"Let me guess, parents not at home?" They all slowly nodded their heads at me. Why are they so afraid?

"Please, don't get us in twible. We wee just having some fun!" Carlos whined.

I kept a straight face on, which was really hard. It was just too cute, the way he struggled saying his R's.

"Ugh, fine. But just this once." I sigh as they relaxed and continued where they left off.

I let them do what they wanted and went up to my room. What am I going to do now?

My hobby is now gone. Dumb, brainless bimbos.

What did they gain anyway? They got me pissed? Well, congratulations! And I gave a damn, it's not like I have lost anything.

I walked out and let me piss, not like they won anything over me.

Grrr, I shouldn't make myself suffer over this!

I actually am missing Liam. Sure, I always miss him, but now I miss him more. He gets my mind off of all my problems.

I'll see him tomorrow though!

I believe we are now back in good terms. Whoopee!

I threw myself down onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. I am so bored right now...trying to figure out what I can do to ease off.

While I still have nothing to do. I already did my homework in class.....


I rolled over and hugged my pillow. At least tonight, I don't have to worry over Liam. As everything clean and out of the open.

I let my mind wander as sleep started to draw me in.

All of those nights that I stayed up late thinking about my mate were coming back to haunt me.


Why does my bed feel, so warm and inviting even though its a bit early. It must be around 3:30...

Buts its just so comfy! I don't ever want to get out of it!

I could feel sleepiness coming over and I just couldn't fight it anymore. Not when I was this tired.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

There was probably a small grin on my face, after all I was thinking about Liam.

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