Chapter Sixteen

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Ally's POV:
"When will you, answer my question?" Liam asked for the umpteenth time.

I had already been putting his question off for about 10 minutes.

Brandon had to leave.

He was tired because, according to him. You need to wake up a 4:30 in the morning, to become a ninja by 7:45 pm.

So, he just went home to take a nap....


When he left, I went up to 'my' room.

But Liam being Liam, followed me. All the way there.

Asking me to answer, his question.

"Around New Years?" I offered.

"This is serious!"

"I don't even remember your question..." LIES!

"I asked you, why did you try to escape?

Is it because you're afraid of me?" He's voice was getting lower to the point that, I almost didn't hear the last part what he said.

He thinks, I'm afraid of him.

Here's my revenge.

For all the laughing, earlier today...

For the next 5 minutes, I did just that.


Liam just stared at me, like I was crazy or something. And maybe I am.

But I wasn't going to let him know that.

"Why would I be scared of and oversized dog?" I asked, getting my breath back.

"I don't know, why would you faint for two days?" He countered, a smug smile. Planted into his face.

Good point...

"I was already feeling sick from PE...." I lied.

"Yeah, because you were totally about to puke from playing football."

"You could!"

He just rolled his eyes at me.

His beautiful, bright, blue eyes....

"If you didn't run away, because you're afraid. Then why did you?" He questioned.

And the truth comes out....


"You can't keep me in here forever, Liam. I have a life.

A life that I want to continue, everything can't just stop. Just because you want it to be, I have school! I have Family! I have Friends!"

I got out in, just one breath.

More like friend...

"But we can't let you go, yet at least." Liam protested.

"Why not?" I asked angrily.

"Because...." He said.

"Because...You don't trust me?"

As much as it hurt me, that could be easily true.

"It's not that, we don't trust you. It's just that, we can't take the risk. That people finding out...."

"So, it's not that you don't trust me. It's just that you don't trust me?" Don't think too much about that sentence.

"It's just that no one can ever, known about us. Unless they are like us."

"If I tell on you, won't I be telling on myself?"

"True... But what about Brandon?"

"First of all, Brandon left. Second of all, do you think. He would do that to his little and only sister?

Third of all, think about it this way, Brandon walks up to his friends and randomly says that his little sister is a werewolf.

Do you think they would believe him for even a second anyway?"

"Well, I right..."

"Since you have nothing else against me, can you please let me go home?"

"Sure, I'll let you go home...tomorrow."

"TOMORROW! WHY CAN I GO HOME NOW!" I said angrily, about throw a fit.

"Well, take it or leave it. Missy."

"Ugh...fine." I muttered, slam down on the bed.

That's the best offer, I could get right...

"Do you know how to shift?" He asks.

"Well, no. I just found out, I'm a werewolf. And honestly I think all of this, is just a mistake if you ask me."

He took my phone out of his pockets.


So, that's where it went...

"Here, call your dad. It might help, clear some things up."

My Dad?

What does he know about all of this?

I picked up my phone, and Liam walked out.

Probably to give me some privacy.

What's the point? He probably hear me anyways...

I started to dialed my dad's number.

He picked up on the second ring.

"Ally? Sweetheart, are you okay?" My dad spoke.

"Hi Dad. Yeah, I'm fine. Uh, Liam told me to call you. To help clear some sort of mess."

"Oh, yeah About that...I've been meaning to tell you. I've known that since you were born, I knew what you would be." My dad told.

"What! Really!" I said shockingly as I continued to listen the rest of it.

"Well, I guess that I. Just been trying to hide it from you, trying to deny that I guess." My dad continued.

"Why couldn't you, tell me this before?

"I guess, I didn't want to believe that. You could be as your Great Grandpa told me, that you or your brother could be a shifter."

"So, why trying to hide it from me or the family." I questioned him.

"Well, I've been try to make you feel normal...I didn't want you to feel, different or make you look different." He continued to as I could hear him, tearing up trying not to cry.

He's known all along.

Oh, dad. So, I guess. This is all true, then...

"And...Liam was telling the truth..."

"Yeah, I need you to listen. What Liam has to say to you."

"Okay, I guess I have."

"Bye, love you."

"Love you too, Bye."

After all this conversation over, we both hung up as sit on the back. Waiting for Liam to come back in, explaining everything to me I guess.

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