Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Ally's POV:
My jaw dropped as he said that. He's gonna kill Henry? Sure, he deserves it, but killing should never be the answer to anything! Even if they deserve.

I ran up to him and grabbed his arm. It took a lot of effort to turn him around, but I somehow managed to. I looked at him straight in the eyes before speaking.

"No, Liam. You can't KILL him! Sure, I wish that I could kill him myself, but come on! Killing isn't a good thing! If you kill him, there will be waste because of his body.

Waste leads to global warming. You know what global warming does? IT KILLS POLAR BEARS!

And penguins too, but POLAR BEARS WILL DIE!!! Is that what you want? Do you want future generations to never see, a polar bear or even know what they are all. Because of YOU killing HEINRICH?!?! You should feel soo bad!"

Well, that was a good speech.... I should get an award for that, well because of it! Very moving and touching...

Darcy must of heard my rant, since she came out of nowhere.

"Wow, what's going on here?" She asked.

"Liam is going coo-coo and wants to go hunt down, Darcy!" I stated.

"Awesome, Count me in! Better go load my shotgun!" She squealed.

"Yeah, I knew that. You would take my-WAIT, WHAT!?" I practically shouted as her words sunk in. She's was taking his side?!?!

"You heard me, I'm with Liam on this one. I've wanted to sink my teeth into his throat and feel, the blood gush into my mouth until his body hangs limp!"

I looked at her with shock and fearing in my life, as I can't believe what I'm hearing as all that was missing. Was an evil laugh at the end to make me run out of here.

We heard a loud thud and turned to the county register. panicked a bit as I didn't see the old lady. I rushed over there just in time to see her body twitch on the floor...She must have been listening into our conversation...That's what she gets for eavesdropping!

I made sure that she was still breathing, before turning back to the soon-to-be-murderers. Standing next to me, doing nothing to help. Gee, thanks...

Quickly, I turned back to them. Before shouting, "ARE YOU BOTH OUT OF YOUR MINDS!" Hey, no one was around, so I might just as well scream it out...right?

"No," Darcy started. "Henry has had this coming for a while now. What he did today just crossed the line."

"Exactly!" Liam agreed. "Anyways, he also broke our code."

"A code, what code?" I asked.

"The code that clearly states that once you have been kicked out of an area or pack, like he did, you must have permission from the alpha to get back in. I'm pretty sure that my father didn't allow him to come back in." He explained.

"Well, do we really have to 'KILL' him?"

"YES!" They shouted at the same time. Great, just great.

Liam spun around and walked out, with Darcy following right behind him.

"Hey, where are you going now?" I asked him.

"To go track him down." He answered.

I took one last look at the old lady, before following both of them.

What mess are we getting into?

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