Chapter Forty-Eight

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Ally's POV:
I rushed into class and sat down on the edge of the front row with Darcy on my flank.

At least Liam can't sit by me.

Why did I have to be such a chicken? I let out a heavy sigh, before taking my books out. I made sure that they were my English books as the bell rang. You only make that mistake once...

Slowly students started to make their way into the classroom and taking their seats. Everyone was talking about, their karaoke night next Friday. It's pretty much a time were girls try to show off, their singing but end up failing.

Fun, Huh?

Not noticed the sarcasm.

I'm probably not, even going to go. Unless Darcy somehow drags me there.

To my not-so-but-yet amazement, Liam wasn't last.

He made a bee line straight to my seat, I could see some disappointment in his eyes. As he saw the spot next to me was taken, he actually was looking forward to sitting next to me.

All of my sympathy for him was gone as soon as some mischief, replaced the disappointment.

The next thing I knew, he was sitting behind me playing with my hair.


Just terrific.

Am I forever coursed with a bag of, Karma or something?

Will this ever go away?

I let out a sigh and tried to focus on the board in front of me. Which it doesn't help the fact that his hand, kept brushing past my neck making involuntary shivers. Run through my body.

As hard as I tried, I couldn't not pay attention to him. It was way better than English. Why can't the language, we know as English with along history and rules, be more interesting?

I glanced at the clock. 7:34am.


It feels like forever ago....

I sighed and placed my head on my desk, not like that stopped Liam anyway.

Ten minutes later, I looked at the clock again, begging for it to skip forward.


Well, I'll be darned! There's something wrong with that time device!

It makes day longer! Or time getting slower!

IT'S A TIME MACHINE! I need some sort of remote to fast forward this.

I looked at it and started to count to make sure it was a time traveling device.

TICK-One Mississippi.

TOCK-Two Mississippi.

TICK-Three Mississippi.

I guess it isn't a time controlling machinery....

That's cool.

I sighed, getting frustrated at my boredom. By now, Liam was braiding my hair. Who knew guys could braid or do hairstyle.

I shot Darcy for a 'Help Me!' look and in return she shot me 'Sorry, I can't!' with a sad smile.

No help whatsoever there...

I decided to at least pay some attention to the teacher, so that I wouldn't be totally lost on my homework. Might just as well, trying...

"-So, class. Next week you will turn in a project-" She was cut off by the groaning of students, so she quickly added. "Which will be a partner project." At this the class cheered and started to look around for their partners.

What's the 'But'?

There has to be a but....


Aha! There it is!

"I will choose your partners."

Again, the class groaned.

"To make this easy," She continued. "Your partner will be the person sitting front or behind you!".

Oh cool-


I spun around to face Liam, a horrified look covering my features. While he had a smug of happy look on his.

That little beep! He probably knew all along!

Even though that's nearly impossible, but still!

The bell announced the end of class. Whilst everyone gathered their stuff and left, along with Liam, I just sat there, staring at the now empty seat.

I felt Darcy elbow my sides and that brought me back to my senses.

"Awesome, just cool! Yep, coolness is awesomeness!" I started to babble." Of all the seats and time, Liam just had to be there. He had to choose to sit behind me TODAY!!!"

"Oh, come on! it's not that bad." I glared at her, "Okay maybe it is! But hurry up! We don't want to be late to the next class!"

I sighed and followed her out the classroom.

How can English get any worse?

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