Chapter Fourteen

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Ally's POV:
"Plan C?" Brandon offered, reaching behind him to grab a sword."

Plan C, Oh boy. I wonder what that could be, this can't be good!

He unsheathed the swords, one by one. Dropping like flies on the floor.

"Stay back mutts!" He shouted, holding the swords out in front of us.

The wolves were closing in on us.

He swung the swords backward to strike the wolf closest to him.

But he apparently forgot about the fence.

The swords got stuck between the metal loops on it.

He quickly turned around, put his foot on the fence and started to pull it out freed.

"Are all your plans destined for failure, Bran?

"Ugh! Less nag, more pull!" I just put my head in my hands.

Well, we're doomed.

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Liam's POV:
She has been gone for 7 minutes, it doesn't not that long to use the bathroom.

Stop worrying!

A moment later the guard, that I had sent to guards Ally. Came rushing running towards me.

"Sir, the Lady I was to guarding. She must has escaped!"

"She what?!" I yelled out, ragged.

"There's no one in the Lady's rest rooms, and she didn't use the door to get out...."

"Great!" I said sarcastically.

I rushed outside and shifted, not caring about my clothes.

I rushed over to our guards.


I watched them go.

I made my way to the outside of the girls rest room.

The window was open.

I'm a monster. She must hates me. She's must afraid of me...

She risked her own life to get away...all of those things made my heart hurt.

I sniffed around until a came across her scent.

Not that strong, but better than nothing. I guess, right?

There was some thumping.

Someone running.

Oh well.

I'll go after that later. But I need to find Ally. All I'm focusing on, right now.

I couldn't help the growl came up as her scent started to mix with someone else's.

My wolf hated the fact that she could be with someone else.

I followed the trail into a clearing.

I could see Ally and a guy, that looked a lot like her, surrounded be three of my wolves.

I could see the guy trying to get swords out of a fences.

Swords? What's this? The Middle Ages?

Ally was hiding her face in her hands. Looking shaking and a bit scared.

Scared? Not on my watch, I growl

"Back down, now!" I growled at my wolves.

Slowly, they did just that.

Now for the hard part....

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Ally's POV:
I saw the wolves start to back away.

Did plan C actually do something!?!?!

But of course, we have no luck.

I saw a black wolf walked into the clearing.

I was bigger than the others and you could almost see him glowing with power.

Yep, plan C did do something.

It made things worse.

I slapped Brandon on the back to make him turn around.

He ignored me and kept on pulling on the swords.

I smacked him harder.

"OUCH! WHAT, SIS?! I almost got it o-"

He stopped short as he noticed the black wolf.

The other wolves were already gone.

"Crap!" He muttered, pushing me further into the fence.

"It's Okay. I won't hurt you. Just follow me." The wolf said.

Did the wolf freaking spoke!

I'm never going to get used to seeing werewolves, much less hearing them!

Neither of us made an attempt to move.

"Please, I won't hurt you. You can trust me."

And for some reason, I did trust him.

I took a step closer to him and I felt my brother grabbed my arm.

"What are you doing?" He hissed at me.

The wolf growled at Brandon, so I just gave him a pleading look.

He gave the swords one last tug before giving up.

"Fine." He muttered and with that, we followed the black wolf into the dark forest.

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