Chapter Twenty-Two

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Ally's POV:
After I decide that Brandon could be a spy, I asked Liam what happens on a full moon.

He just said that it makes you stronger, it doesn't make you shift or go insane or berserk. It just makes you stronger.


Who knew all of the books and movies had been wrong?

But again, who knew that werewolves were actually real?

When I had gotten home, I had made sure that I had done all of my homework for the next five days.

According to Liam, I will be very busy.

I never really ever agreed to be in his little soldier!

After all of that I went to bed.

Next morning, I woke up and went to school after that.

I was getting weird looks still.

All I could think was, HELLO!

I'm riding with Dacey now.

Not Liam!

People need to get lives... this isn't Hollywood.

And that led me up to where I am now.

At lunch.

Still surrounded by cheer bimbos, laughing like a bunch of stuck up fake.

Wanna know why I'm laughing?

If your answer is no, then too bad. I'm still telling you.

The reason why I am currently on the floor laughing my ass off, because of those loser bimbos or more like their hair in their brain.

They all had actually done , what I told them.

Right now, their hair was covered in brown, rotten bananas showered in pepper.

Some of them even had dead and alive flies around their heads.

Wow, Brandon would sure. Love see this!

"What's, Like, so funny?" One of the blonds asked me.

Quickly I pulled myself together.

I need to keep the act going.

"This...Like, really funny joke from. Like...this morning." They didn't get offended and walk off though.


"So, you guys just need to last a couple more hours until the kiwi sets in." I stated.

"Kiwi? You, like never said anything about. Like, kiwi."

"Oh," I said, faking shock. "How could I forget kiwi? None of it works without it! You guys need to do it again and add a kiwi to the bananas if you want it to work."

I could just imagine them coming to school tomorrow with kiwii-banana hair.

"You should like, told us that. Like before we did all of this." One of the brunette bimbos said, snapping her fingers and with that they all left.

Wow, that was easy.

Why couldn't that happen yesterday?

"Phew! Now we can eat in peace!" Dacey said, voicing my thoughts.

"You can say that again..."

"Phew! Now-" She started, joking.

I slapped her arm.

"Jerk." I muttered playfully.

"That's why you love me!"

And that's partly true....

As the bell rung, we made our way to class.


Stupid algebra!

As the day ended, Liam led me to his car.

We agreed that he would be giving ride to and from him house, everyday so that I could train with the pack.

As we pulled up, I could see Brandon's car. Parked up in the driveway.

Today he was training his 'Sneaking Around'.

Tomorrow he was actually going to go into the forest and check out the rouges.

He was going to see their fighting style, weakness and strength. How many there were and etc..

And if all went well, he will come back alive.

I just hoped he did.

If he didn't, I would kill Liam for this.

Really, I would bring him back to life. Just to kill him again.

He led me to the backyard, the was a huge backyard.

It was covered in training mats and punching bags.

Some people were shifted and others weren't, some guys shirtless some were not and some girls. Were training outfits some of them were wearing normal clothes.

I guess their training their weaknesses and strength.

"I want you to shift to train." Liam told me as we walked in. "We are all going to be shifted when we fight. I want you to get used to being on all fours.

Most of the fights to get to know you of your new body and senses and remember, you have a tail to use it to your advantages and not be your weakness."

And with that he left to go help others train.

I could feel my inner wolf yep in protest.

It was doing that a lot when, I was away from Liam.

Weird...maybe he really is my mate....

With that though in mind I went inside and to the room that I had been staying in and don't feel uncomfortable, trying to shift in front of people.

I went in there and removed my clothes and started concentrating shifting.

This time, it wasn't as easy since my body wasn't heated up, but I work at looks at the mirror with moon yellowish eyes instead of my brown eyes.

Black nose, pointy triangle ears and tail waving at the back on my end of you know where, looking at myself as a wolf for the first time in the mirror.

A little scary, but knowing that just me in my wolf from, after looking at myself in the mirror and minutes, I went to the door. Of course, I couldn't get it open.

I closed it behind me after I entered my room, I really need to start thinking things through. After thinking for about 30 seconds, I noticed a window was open.

I walked over and look outside, I see the ground as it not too far down. After a minutes of find a way out of my room, I was finally outside getting out as a four legged canine.

Especially when you have saliva and dripping it everywhere.

Gross, I just that what you are. When you are a wild dog.

With that, I manage to get out of my room. I jump out of the window safely. As I set off and headed to the training ground, started my train.

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