Chapter Twenty-Three

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Brandon's POV:
Today was the fourth day of the 'training'.

This was the second time, that I was out here.

It was also the last of my spying. 

Ally insisted that I stayed and trained for two days instead of one.

The second day I had practiced defending myself incase that anything went wrong.

So far everything had been fine.

All I knew there were 22 wolves in, all males in totals.

Every once in a while, a female would go join them. Would making it 23.

I found it weird though, that they only had one female.

She was pretty young, so I guess that she didn't really have the choice to be with them.

Our Dad is probably making her stay.

I also knew that their leader was the russet furred one. The others were gray or dark brown.

I can't hear very well, but I know that they hold no mercy. Even when they were training, they always tried to go for the kill blow.

Trust me, there harsh to everyone.

They aren't in their human forms most of the time. That made it a bit harder for me to try and remember who was who.

Only to go to sleep do they shift back into their human body.

But the girl always leaves at night. I haven't seen her human form yet. I have no idea what the heck she looks like or if she a human at all.

Today, I'm on top of a tree.

I found this tree yesterday; it hangs right over their clearing.

They don't seem to notice me, even though in right above their noses.

I guess that since their rogues they all have different scents from different packs.

Packs from Wisconsin, Minnesota and Manitoba, Canada.

I bet that, at most. There are only three from the same pack.

There are about 6 packs in Minnesota, according to Liam.

So, all of the rogues must come here.

They have probably been planning this for a sometime, though.

This isn't the kind of thing that, you can just do over night.

Some of the wolves were back.

Since they were rogues, it meant that they didn't have homes. They're like a homeless person, but in dog form.

Loners. Strays...

So that meant that they could only eat things that they find out there.

Like deer and mouse.

YUCK! I spoke.

I wonder what happens if they sallow a mouse and it's still alive.

Would it dig its way out of their stomach?

Or would it drown in their stomach acids?

Who knows?

I surely don't want to find out.

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Ally's POV:
It was getting dark by the time that Brandon got back.

I was grateful that, he wasn't going out there again.

There are 23 rogue wolves out there and one of them could easily kill him.

I'm amazed that they actually hasn't find him out, he a spy and not one of them not that I'm complaining or anything...

Since tomorrow the rouges were coming to make sure, that (we were gone for good) would we meet them halfway.

Liam was going through the plan of attack over again, one last time before getting to battle with the enemy.

We were to meet the in the clearing, that was between the house. The clearing is where the rouges were staying at.

We would all go shifted, except for the alpha.

It was risky, but we wanted to show that. We didn't need to go down with a fight.

According to Brandon, that was very unlikely. But it was worth a shot.

We were to try to not look hostile, but strong and cunning at the same time.

There where 23 of them against 42 of us.

I think you can tell who would win, but we don't want anyone to die along the process.

Brandon and I got permission from our parents to stay here, tonight and tomorrow Liam would give us a ride home.

If survive the fights of cause and live at one piece.

Tomorrow will be a Sunday, so no. We didn't have to go to class after, the little war that was most likely to take place.

Thank goodness!

No school...YES! heh, heh...

After Liam's little speech, we all went to bed. And be ready for the big showdown.

We expected the rouges to come by around 8:00 in the morning, which meant that we needed to be up by 6:30 to be on the safe side and be on alert.

Liam was right though, shifting has been easier for me lately.

I guess, practice does make perfect.

With that thought in mind, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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