Chapter Fifty-Six

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Liam's POV:
I can't believe she said yes! It's not like I was thinking of proposing, marriage to her or anything. But it was a start as our date was ruined, by that skank who try to get her way and ruined my relationship with Ally.

But anyway, I was a little nervous. That she actually was going to say 'no'.

I bolted up from my seat and walked forward, hugging her. At first, she was surprised. But she hugged me right back.

It might sound a bit cheesy, but it felt perfect and the right moment. Her little figure fitted against mine, like two puzzle pieces. It was as if she belonged there, in my arms.

I took a deep breath of her fruity hair. I wonder what shampoo she uses.... okay, that's just plain stalker-ish.

Someone cleared their throat, snapping me out of my stalker thoughts. Slowly, I pulled away from my mate, trying to keep her skin touching mine for as long as possible. I ripped my eyes away from her and to the intruder.

I automatically tensed up as I saw that piece of unwanted fur standing there.


He even had the dignity to say, "Well, if it isn't the two lovey-puppies."

Hearing his voice, Ally spun around to face him as well. Something told me that she wasn't any happier, than I was to have or see him here.

"What do you want Henry?" We both spat out.

"Well, isn't obvious? I'm here to ruin your happy moment."

We gave him a confused look. Why they hecklers is he Obnoxious? Annoying? Basta....No, I can't say that word...Trust me, there are plenty of other words. To describe him that most people shouldn't hear in their lifetime.

"Well then, are you done?" Ally asked. I could tell that she was trying to keep herself from lashing out at him.

"Umm, yeah. I guess. See ya later, sweets!" He shot her a wink and left.

Okay, what the...Frick?

Even though what he did was very, VERY dumb. But I still felt a bit pissed and this other thing. It's like my blood is boiling and I feel like grabbing Ally, then telling him that she's mine. What's it called?


No, that's not it. I'm not jealous. I can't be. I'm just not the jealous type!

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Ally's POV:
I watched as Henry walked off, a bit confused. What was the point of that.

Sure, it pissed me off a bit. But that's about it. I mean, how dare he come here and ruin my moment with Liam.

He ruined what has been the most romantic moment of my life! Why, oh why? Hadn't he already ruined enough!?!

Nooo, he had to come and steal my moment! That...Uger!

I hear the warning bell go off in the school, telling us that we had a couple of minutes before class started.

I grabbed Liam's arm and led him into the school. Luckily, there weren't any signs of Henry. Hopefully he left...

I saw Darcy waiting for me by the door. What a good friend. I wonder if she saw Henry...

"Hey Dace." I greeted her as Liam went in to put his things away. Once he was out of sight, she began talking.

"Hey, I saw Henry...Everything okay?"

She knew what a creeper he had been lately, going to my room and stuff. She was the one that told me to not tell Liam, to not get him worried and all.

"Yea, just the weirdness, as usual. Not worse than having him sitting on my window, wanting to go into my room and being a stalker of some sort." I assured her.

Suddenly, someone gripped my shoulder and spun me around.

I gulped as I looked into the angry in eyes of Liam.

"What do you mean, 'Sitting on my window'?" He questions, look pissed off.

Whether it was at me or Henry, he is asking as I wasn't sure... which one is asking?

"Well....he, he.... You see...." I trailed off.

How exactly do I explain this to him?

Yea, Liam. Henry like to come and just sit on my window, and. He's been doing that for a while and I just haven't told you, just cuz. We chat a bit and have like total fun.... not. He's just a creeper as usual.

You so don't have to worry about him, trying to take me away from you or anything. Just don't think about the fact, that a sociopath like to sit there and watch me. While having dirty thoughts all night! Okay? Alright!

Yea, I'm definitely screwed...

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