Chapter Forty-Five

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Ally's POV:
I laid on my bed for almost the whole day, throwing a random rock in the air. While the rest of my family was out there, along with Darcy, I was in here.

Too much PDA out there...

Darcy and Brandon were in  the living room, my parents Everett the kitchen. Heck, even Carlos has a freaking female friend over!

Wouldn't be amazed if Sparks was outside with the neighbor's female dogs... That would be awkward though.

Everybody is happy, yet. Here I am....alone and so depressed....

I looked over as I heard my computer beep. I moved the mouse and saw that I had a new email message.

I have a email. I didn't know that....

I clicked on the little icon at the bottom to see that I had some notifications. A little window opened up saying that I had 167 new friend requests, all from today....

And to my not-so-much amazement, they were mostly from guys.

Who knew you just had to dress in a slutty way to get friends?

A request jumped out at me though, one is from Liam Payne. It had a message attached to it, and it was sent just a few seconds ago. Taking a deep breath, I clicked on it.

Massage address to me.


If you are reading this, then maybe I still have some hope with you.

I know things seemed out of place on that Friday and I would like to have fixed them.

Could you please consider giving me a chance? Or You don't even have to forgive me, but you at least have you let me tell my side of the story.

Because you can't give me that, before you make up your mind seeing me again.

I won't ever give up on you that easily - LP

Okay...Heart, SLOW DOWN!

IT's easy to type things without meaning them!

And, no! The last line, wasn't totally something. That I wished was true! No, It's not romantic or sweet of him! SO, SLOW THE EFF DOWN!

Jeez, I do need to talk to my heart every once in a while. But that doesn't stop it from talking back....

And it was definitely taking back and it was saying to give Liam a chance, I wanted to give him a chance. But I don't know, if I'm ready to.

Or ready to listen to his story, what if he ends up lying to me. And it a lie and hurting me even more?

Well, there's no chance unless you take one....

Fine, I will take a chance! Just not today....

I ignored the button and shut my computer down.

I might talk to him tomorrow, I guess. Hopefully he won't end up hurting me more...

I heard some weird noises coming from my window. Since I was bored, tired and still hurt.

I just walked over to it. Yeah...Not my best idea ever...

It might have something to do with the fact that, Im seeing Henry. Henry Trousdale was standing out of my upstairs window.

...Yep, no good...

I couldn't help the little scream that came out of my lips when I saw him. He didn't look hurt though, so I guess he waited until he was healed to come looking for me.

He Leap up and climb up the house to my window.

"W-What are y-you d-do-ing." I took a deep breath to stop my voice from shaking before continuing, "What are you doing here H-Henry?"

"Aw, come on! Don't look at me like that. Don't be scared my sweet, angel. I came here to see you, obviously." He said smoothly.

"How did you even get my address?"

"You gave it to me when we were dating, remember. Silly? Anyway, when are we going on our date, sweet cheeks?"

I forgot that I gave him my address number, when he asked me out that day. How the hell did I forget, about that I gave him that.

But anyway, does he have mental problems or what ?

If he remembered, we weren't even dated! I never have and never will! Why am I thinking this to myself?

When we WERE suppose to go out on our FIRST date, but luckily it never happened though.

Plus, doesn't he know what happened last time when he tried to hurt me. He got the wind knocked out of him by my brother.

"What are you talking about, we were never dating. And to answer your question, NEVER. I will never go out with you.

I with Liam now."

Lie detector, anyone? Well, it should be going off...I'm not really with Liam, right now. Thought...

"Aw, a little fun. Doesn't hurt anyone now, does it? So, grab my hand and let me in!" Seeing the confused expression on my face, he continued. "You know, let me into another werewolf's home...sweetie.

The werewolf the lives in the house need to be touching me, so I could come in... You didn't know that?"

I shook my head at him and took a step back. No way was I letting him into my house, much less my bedroom!

"You touch me, while I'm coming in. Then I can come in whenever, blah blah blah! Now pull me in! It's chilly out here."

I knew he was lying; werewolves don't get cold so easily, well I don't think they do...

"No, Henry, I won't let you into my home. Now I suggest you leave before I call Liam over."

"Yes, because your so close, right?" He said sarcastically. "You two haven't even marked each other!"

"Plus, you haven't been seeing and talked to him. Since the unfortunate incident, that Liam has with that skank been hassling all day. That day." He said as he snarling, he seem to watching or something.

A little shocked, that he knew about. That I'm not with Liam, right now.

"Just leave!" I nearly shouted. He was really starting to get on my nerves.

Without waiting for an answer, I shut my blinds. He started to talk, saying that he wasn't going to leave, so in response I put my headphones out to block the noise.

I laid on my bed and pressed the play button. 'Skin Deep' by No Secret started to lay and all I could do was listen to it.

(Lyrics playing)

Your tellin' me that I'm your queen
That nothing matches me
You're making me feel like a dream
The way you flatter me

Are you just another fake Or something special?
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

You're tellin' me that I'm too cool
You say I'm beautiful, I got to tell you I'm fool
I'm kinda cynical.

Boy have you got what it take, Something special.
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

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