Chapter Twenty-Four

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Ally's POV:
This is it...what we have been dreading for five have be, practice and training. Getting ready for the big battle.

I just hope, that this will go down well...hope everyone will get out of this in one piece.

Matt said that their fighting techniques were sloppy and that we didn't have to worry that much.

Liam was giving us a quick pep talk, before we set off into the forest meeting their enemy.

I wonder why the alpha, isn't the one that was giving speeches....

I guess that it's just, not his cup of tea, or coffee which ever makes sense.

"_Just remember to try your best, don't let them find your weak spots. You are only responsible for yourself and safety, if it's either you die, or they die. Let them have it and show these rouges, Territory, it belongs to."

It's their fault that, we are in this situation in this fight. In the first place, no second guessing. Let's go!" Liam was shout out.

And with that we followed him into the forest.

Little kids and the elderly, were staying back in the house.

They were shown a few moves in case some rouges got around us and went into the house. They need to know how to defend themselves.

Matt had also stayed with them.

He had his swords and was ready to help them if it was needed.

It actually took him half an hour to get that sword finally of the fence.

All he needed to do was push then pull downwards...

I just hope that he doesn't need to use them today...

As we made our way into the clearing, we lined up in order.

The alpha was on the front, Liam behind him on the second row.

I had to be next to him since, I was supposed to be his mate.

On the second row there were also the strongest fighters, if something goes wrong they needed. To be able to defend the alpha while he shifted.

Not that it was take that long anyway.

On the third row were the faster ones, and the fourth row where those that had loved ones to lose, loved ones that needed them.

Like babies or elders that, needed their support.

After about ten minutes, we heard some noises.

The bushes parted and revealed a large sum of wolves.

According to Matt there were 23 of them, and I could see that he was right.

There was a russet furred one in the front, their leader.

I quickly spotted the female.

She had the weirdest eyes...Orange with green specks...

Like Dacey's...

She was small and had creamy light brown fur.

She was standing next to a bigger wolf with green eyes, he was a darker brown.

You can tell that, he was a lot older than her.

Maybe her father?

I nudge Liam and nod to the girl, letting him know the I was going to take her.

He just nodded in acknowledgement.

"Hello, rouges. We have been expecting you."

"We just weren't let you know that, we won't leave our home. We are giving you a chance to back down now and goes home. No harm will be done."

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