Chapter Thirty-Four

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Ally's POV:
If you asked my when WWII was, I couldn't answer that question.

Heck, Even ask me what day it was, yesterday, and I wouldn't know!

I didn't pay any attention, whatsoever was in history. I was way too busy staring at the hot, sexy hunk sitting next to me.

I think we were doing WWII....Not sure.

When the bell rang, what felt like five minutes later, I finally looked away from Liam. I got up and grabbed my bag.

When I reached down for my trombone, another hand come out of nowhere and snatched it up and away from me.

What the fruit toast?

I looked up and saw Liam holding it, with a smug smile on his face. I guess he did notice me staring at him, during the entire class period...

Well, at least it was him picked it up. If that somebody else, I couldn't be bothered to get into a fight.

"Thanks." I said smiling at him, reaching to grab it back.

"No-uh." He said, holding it out of reach. "I'm keeping this until you, agree to have lunch with me."

Ok, what's up with him. Holding things out of my reach? I'm not that short!

Why is his doing this to me, I don't really have no for play...wait, WHAT!

Did he just ask me to eat lunch with him?

He was still smirking at me, but he also looked a bit hopeful. I guess he did ask me, but why was he looking at me like that?

As if I would ever reject him. Reject My mate....

JEEZ! Can't even think of him as my mate!

I smiled up at him before answering, "Sure, NOW GIVE IT BACK YOU TREE!!!!" A bit too loud...

"Tree?" He asked, chuckling again.


"Don't change the subject. I want Tronny back in my hands!"

"Tronny?" He asked, biting back laughter again.

"Yes, that what I call my trombone!" I said in a no-freaking-duh voice.

We were at cafeteria room. Huh, we were walking.

I really need to start paying more attention to my surroundings....

"Fine." He said, but he didn't hand me my trombone back to me, I told him to put it next to a table with two trays on it.

He sat down in front of one of the plates and took a bit, out of an apple that had been on it before.

"What are you doing?" I questioned him, "People are sitting there. You can't go around eating people's food like a lunch-muncher.

They'll make you pay by stripping you of all the hair on your body using tweezers." I warned.

"Lunch-muncher? Tweezers? What are you talking about? These trays are for us... I got someone to do me the favor to get them, for us before we got here."

I blushed and sat down embarrassed myself again by him. Embarrassed for not knowing that. He could have just about anything in this school, that was his own personal kingdom.

Maybe I am turning into Dacey a bit, blushing at everything that my *ahem* mate *ahem* says.

Now you can judge me, but just a bit!

Don't get carried away!

We ate lunch in a comfortable silence. Sure, people were giving us funny looks, but I didn't care if they are looking at us.

For the first time, I didn't care about. Being the center of attention or needed any attention. I didn't turn red like a potato (I mean tomato? Can't think straight, Liam is near me....)

And run for cover, I just didn't care. About the kids gazes at us.

I only cared about one person's gaze, well two.

Liam and Dacey.


Where the fruit toast is she?!?!

How could I forget her? We always have lunch together!!

I started to panic a bit.

How the dolphin-bladder, could I forget about my best friend!?!?!? My BFF?!?!?!

Liam noticed how I was panicking in my seat and asked me what's wrong.




WHERE THE GOOSE CHASE IS DACEY!?!?!?! HOW COULD I COTTON BALL FORGET ABOUT HER!?!?!?!" I simply answered, jumping out of my seat, nearly tripping on my trombone.

I started to pace around, holding a hand to my forehead.

I didn't exactly 'simply answered' him.... Maybe not so simple.... Or answered, more like shouted.

Wait, Did I just call Dacey a goose?

Oh well.... I don't think, he heard I saying I hope.

"Dacey?" He asked confused.

I nodded fast, giving myself a small headache.

"Wasn't she taking lunch during study hall? She was supposed to help set up, the things for band practice later..." He asked.




How could I forget that?

She told me like 64956945693695836894 thousand times!!!!

More like two, but still!!! It's so not like me to forget something like that!

And how did Liam remember that?

"Oh.......Yeah. She was." I lamely answered, taking my hand off of my forehead and sitting back down, blushing again at how dramatic I had been.

Jeez, I really need to stop doing that.

Liam just chuckled at my tiny freak-out. He even rolled his eyes at me!

We got up and dumped our trays right, before the bell ranged. I headed off to band while Scott went over to study hall.

Finally, Band!

Something that I could or want to learn! Something that I can improve on, unlike every other class! Something to get my mind off of things! A place where I can focus! Somewhere where-


Oh, there the late bell.


I ran into the room, praying to not get a tardy.

Luckily everyone was still putting their instruments together, so the teacher wasn't doing attendance yet.


I rushed and got everything ready, before taking my seat in the low-brass section and started to play our B flat scale.

I really missed band practice...

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