Chapter Forty-Nine

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Ally's POV:
FINALLY! I thought to myself as I walked out of the gym and towards the locker rooms.

I swear, today was the longest day of the year!

Yes, beginning of October is super long!

Today just seemed to drag on and on, with nothing to do. But worry.

Sure, I chickened out of talking to Liam, but what would I say to him?

Um, hey Liam. You know how I stormed away from you, not wanting to hear your excuses. Well, yeah. It turns out that I do want to hear them.

Yeah, I don't think so.

I sighed and striped out of my clothes.

Dumb cheer practice. I should be at home, eating a bucket of Ice-cream, while watching The Notebook and crying my eyeball out, but no. Instead, I'm here going over a routine that I knew by heart.

I took my time walking to the gym, but why rush things? I wonder how they are going to be treating me today.

Last time they ignored my, now what? Throw apples at me?

Well, I guess I'll find out.

As I walked into the gym, I noticed that everyone was already there.

"Well, look who, like, decided to, like, show up today day!" Tiffany said as she saw me walk in.

"And like, late." Bridget added.

Is it illegal for wolves to kill people? I think so....

Dang it.

I glanced at the clock to see that, I was actually five minutes early. Trusting these Barbie's to be able to tell time. Tool!

"Can you read a clock? I'm early not late, silly." I retorted, using the voice that you would use with a preschooler.

They huffed and turned away from me. They started to tell us how to lie up and how a new routine went. Apparently, there were new girls this year, so we had to show them how things went.

Sadly, most have been poisoned by those stupid bimbos.

I sighed and went to the back line, to my usual spot. Yeah, they always send me to back. Where no one could see me. Cool.

I'm actually okay with that though, I can't tell them that. Or they'll probably send me to the very front.

We started our routine, but something seemed wrong.

It might have been the arm, that hit me across the face or on the way. That the other girls shoved me towards the benches, making me trip.

Ah, so today they are making my life miserable as usual. Yeah, don't think so. The apples do sound better than this...

I picked myself up and walked back towards the girls, trying to keep keeps my cool and some of my dignity of cause.

"Looks like you guys have to work better on your routines, apparently your leader doesn't know how to...Lead." I stated with a glare at the two B's standing there with smugness written all over their faces.

"Like, really? Maybe you should learn to, like. Listen to us., no one should that spot where"

That doesn't even make sense! Why would they say that, no one should be at the end of the back row?

"Really? then you should listen to me and get a new leader. Someone with an IQ higher than 40."

"You don't or whatever. Just need skills." Bridget retorted at me.

"Both of which you lack." I shot back at her.

", listen up. Either what you to...or like...leave." Brittany said, coming to stand right in front of me.

She knew I wouldn't leave. Or at least she thought.

I threw my pom-poms at her feet, before walking off.

"Have fun without me!" I shouted over my shoulder at the dumb-struck bimbos looking after me.

Who needs them anyway?

I walked back to the lockers and just threw a sweater on, too lazy to change back into my normal clothes.

I don't need those annoying, dumb slut. I can easily do without them! No more cheer leading for me!

I sighed and walked outside towards the parking lot.

Cheer practice still had another half an hour before finishing, so Darcy was nowhere in sight. I'm pretty sure that she's getting ready for her date, so I'm not going to make me wait for her pick me up.

I can walk....

With that thought in mind, I started to walk across the parking lot.

Sadly, my bad luck wasn't over.

A black car that I knew too well, came a started to roll right next to me. The driver's window rolled down to reveal a handsome face.

And would I guess who it was. "What do you want Liam?" I asked him, staring into his blue eyes. As I tried not to make a smile, while I just standing on pavement and looking.

At Liam in his car, almost half to my house.

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