Chapter Forty-Three

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Ally's POV:
As I ran into the bathroom, I couldn't help the tears. That were prickling at the back of my eyes.

That was so humiliating...

If I wasn't about to cry, I could of stayed and given a taste of their own medicine. But I couldn't stay as I splash water on my face, which I tried to stay strong and not let those people get to me.

If I let a single tear drop, I wouldn't hear the end of it....

I'm sure that Liam probably saw that too....

Apparently days, it can always get worse. Never underestimate karma, but what did I do wrong. For it to come and chase me around my behind?

I did leave Carlos up in tree once and he fell off, breaking his arm.... but that's because he put toothpaste in my bra! But then again, he is a kid and only four years old.

I don't know what else I did wrong, especially at Liam. Maybe for not letting him explain himself? That wouldn't be fair! Karma would be taking his side!

Anyway, Back to the point!

Here I am, covered in red sauce, crying in the girls bathroom. Could I be more pathetic?

Don't think so....

I walked over to the sink with mirrors and took a look at the damage.

My nose and eyes were getting red from trying to hold my tear from crying, my top was covered in meatballs to the point were you couldn't really see the blue.

While my shorts had some sauce with what was left of my milk.

I don't even know where my tray ended up....

I wish that I had ruby slippers right now so that I could wish for a change of clothes....

While I looked into the mirror, someone opened the door and walked in.

I spun around, hoping that it wasn't another. One of those fake bimbo.

Its it was Darcy, he looked at me. Holding something behind her back.

I sighed in relief and walked over to her. Normally I would give her a hug, but I didn't want to ruin her clothes.

She offered a small smile and brought a bag out from behind her back. It was full of clothes.




"Oh! Thanks Darc!" I actually jumped a bit whilst saying that.

She smiled grew bigger, once she saw my reaction. Obviously she thought that, it not going to cheer my situation up. But it's a start and one step make my day a little easy?

I'm desperate need to show those freaking Barbie's, out there that they can't mess with me.

And that if they do, they won't get the right reaction from me, that's for sure.

I looked at the clothes;

Green strapless top with a matching short skirt.

Not much better than what I was wearing, but I'll take what I can get at right now.

I stripped out of my clothes and got dressed while Darcy got the yucky stuff out of my hair, she quickly put make-up on me and we got out just in time as we hear the bell.

We had missed the class after lunch, which for me was band, but still hurried of to our next one.

I didn't want to be late to class anyway...

Luckily, Mrs. Peterson was so understanding, she wouldn't make a big deal out of me missing class.

I kind of was a teacher's, not really.

But it does really comes handy at times.

We made it to class just in time.

I could feel even more stares, burning into me as it seemed like. Every single eye ball was on my body today.

One of them was Liam's.

Dang it!

He has this class too, and it was oh-so-very obvious that, he had seen what had happened at lunch.

He didn't look like he wanted to make fun of me, like every one else as he just looked worried and concerned.

Maybe really deep down he does care about me...

Vere, very deep down that is...

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