Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Ally's POV:
I groaned and hit my head against the back of the car seat again. Maybe I'll get a concussion or something...

We had been driving around like hours, trying to find Henry. I even had enough time to take a freaking nap!

Yeah, I was to the point. Where I was willing to give up on all of this. They somehow managed to convince me to come. Maybe they used mind powers...

I looked back to see Darcy sitting there with all of our 'equipment'. Let's just say she wasn't kidding about her shotgun...

It also turns out that Liam had a bunch of weapons back at the pack house. It seems that things like this have happened before.

It turns out that the silver bullet and wolves bane really were just myths, a story I guess. It turns out regular bullets can do the trick, but they have to hit some weird part of your body and all.

I'll just ask Liam about that later.

Suddenly, the car jerked off to the side. I gripped Darcy seat tightly as we went onto a dirt path. I shot up at Liam and a look, wondering what was going on.

His knuckles were white from gripping the staring wheel so hard and tightly. I slowly sniffed the air, wondering if something was following us or something.

Then the smell hit me, like a ton of quails. And Liam as well.

It was Henry's scent. We finally found him or he found us, either way after going around town for hours!

This weird feeling started to build up tension in my stomach. Well, feelings...with an 'S'. There was worry, anxiety, fear, excitement and creepiness to top it all up.

I mean, come on! Were on the hunt to catch- not to- KILL the bad guy! How scary, yet awesome is that? 1

My palms started to get all sweaty and sticky as we pulled up into the some-what-there driveway of an old house. It had dull colors with holes on the wall and the roof looked like it would fall down any second.

Couldn't he have chosen a less-creepy place?

Liam quickly jumped out of the car, gun in hand and ready to kill or at least shoot. He even had extra ammunition in his back pockets...

"Liam! Wait!" I shouted after him.

He spun around and gave me his version of 'The Look'. There was determination in them, which scared me a bit. It was the determination that said that he wouldn't stop at anything until he put Henry was six feet under.

"Ju-Just wait for us." I muttered, not sure what to say. It was obvious that I would say, I doubt that he wouldn't ever change his mind. About what Liam going to do to Henry.

Dacey and I jumped out of the car with small hand guns and extra ammunition. Only one problem though, I don't know how to shoot a gun...

As I never any experience of firing a shot before, not to mention I never touch a gun in my life.

Sure, Liam said that it wasn't that hard since, I am a werewolf. But isn't the point as I'm still scared to use it. I just hope that I don't have to...use it.

We all checked that we had our emergency knives, before hiking and checked into the warry house. We fell into a V shape with Liam in the front, it's almost as if we were a swat team or something.

Minus the uniform and protection gear.

Sure, we could have used more people, but according to Liam, that would of made it situation, easier for Liam to sense us right when we walked in.

Of course, he told me and Dacey to stay behind, But no way in heck was I letting my mate do this alone by himself!

We passed through various rooms, all covered in trash and leftovers. Yuck.

We finally came across a room with various chains on it, but lucky. They were unlocked. When we peeked inside, we could see a human shape standing in front of what seemed, to be a computer. I took a deep breath and sure enough, it reeked strongly sense of Henry.

I gave Liam a small nod as he went in, letting him know that I had his back. He walked in and right away pointed the gun to the back of Henry's head.

"Heinrich, you have broken our pack's law. By the nature of being a werewolf, now I must now kill you." He announced, almost like an officer would. He kind of looked hot doing that.

Henry let out a deep chuckle that sent, a shivers down my spine in scary and frightening way.

Faster than my werewolf eyes could follow, Henry did a weird flip that ended up. With him snatching the gun, out of Liam hand and holding and pointing the gun towards my mate.

"Oh, but it seems as if it. The situation is the other way around now, Liam." He said as his voice deep as doesn't sound, human like. It wasn't close to anything, that I've ever heard before.

As it's sound so daemonic and demon like, like something out of a horror movie.

Before I could stop him, he swung his arm and smashed into Liam's head, with butt of gun as he drop and hit the ground.

My heart stung and my whole body was hurting as if I was the one to take the bow. Darcy and I rushed to his aid, hoping that he was alright.

I kneeled down next to him, not noticing my surroundings anymore. The was a massive amount of blood gushing from his head.

My vision turned blurry with tears and red with rage. How could Henry even try to take away one of the most important person in my life!

I whipped towards Henry and threw my gun to the side. No more Miss Nice Guy.

I charged at him as fast as I could and pinned him against the wall.

"How. Dare. You. Do. That. To. My. Mate. You. Bastard!" I swore.

With every word that, I spat and burst out in fury. I slammed him harder against the wall.

I now understood why, he had to die or has to go.

I reach into my back pocket and whip my blade out. I held it up to his throat before speaking again.

"Any last words?" I asked.

"Just one thing, there will be more problems. For you to come for you." He laugh and with that, he just vanished into thin air.

What the heck?

I didn't think much of it as I ran back to my mate with Darcy at his side, all that time while I was dealing with Henry.

That's what he is, my mate.

And I might just have lost him.

Wow, I'm really falling for his charm...

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