Chapter Eighteen

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Ally's POV:
As we walked through the forest, Liam kept telling me. What part of their territory it was.

But of course, I didn't pay much attention.

I was too entertained by the breath-taking scenery.

Not like I HAVE to know all of it, right?

All of the sudden Liam stopped, walking and sniffed the air.

I had no clue, because I still did the same thing.

Then it hit me.

There were some nasty smells, coming from up ahead.

It kind of smelt like us though...

"Damn rouges." Liam muttered under his breath.


I don't think that they are too friendly by the way, that Liam spat their name out as if they were poison or something. Along those lines.

"What is it?"

"The rouges from the Canadian packs and Minnesota packs, all form together and go invading other packs territories." He whispered, getting closer to the wolves. Probably to get a good look at them.

"Are you sure, that's a good idea...?"

He looked really pissed, so I'm pretty sure that. I shouldn't be arguing with him right now.

But still, I don't think that. Us two would stand a chance against them, since by their smell, there were more than 20 of them.

"We have to see, what we are up against."

"I still don't think that-"

"You got to trust me on this!" But he said, that a bit too loud. Earning some very unwanted attention from the rouges. "Dammit!"

And with that, we started running.

We could hear the rouges chasing us.

Should we be leading them towards the house?

The way we were running, would lead them there...

Luckily Liam seemed to think the same thing, since he took a sharp left turn.

We were ahead of the wolves, starting to lose them.

I could feel the adrenaline, pumping through my blood and vain.

They didn't seem very fit. Maybe lack of food?

We crossed a fork in the rode and Liam singled to the right.

It was getting close to the house, but I was sure the rogues weren't that close.

We are almost losing them.


Finally, after what seemed like forever. We reached the house.

We checked behind us.

No rouges in sight.


We slowed down and collapsed on to the grass.

We weren't tired, just wearing down. By the adrenaline.

"What now?" I asked.

"I'll go tell my father." Liam said and getting up.

"WAIT!" I sat up quickly.

"What?" He asked as he stop.

"How do I shift back?"

"Oh...You should go to your room to do that...." Why? Oh...I'll be naked... "You just take all the energy and heat, that you let loose when you first shifted back into your body.

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