Chapter Fifty-Five

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Ally's POV:
I was toyed around with my computer a bit more, before deciding that I should or at least get two hours of sleep before school.

Wouldn't want to fall asleep in class.... again.

Yeah, don't ask....

I leaned back and pulled my covers up. It was starting to get cool and a little cold in here... Well, it's just October.

I looked at the ceiling and waited for the sleep to come. I knew it would come sometime, it always did, but when?

Ugh. Why is it so complicated?

I closed my eyes and started to hum a random tune. It sounded like some sort of lullaby.

My eyes started to glue themselves together and sleep started to settle in. What a nice and peaceful way to fall asleep.

I woke with Dream Street song blasting out of my alarm clock. What? Better than that BEEEP...

I, as always, groaned and got out of bed. Why couldn't mornings be at noon? Well, that would defeat the entire purpose of having a 'Morning' in the first place.

I dragged my lazy feet over to my closet since it was too cold to take a shower. That, and today I was feeling way too lazy for my own good.  I grabbed a plain sweatshirt with regular jeans. I hardly even bothered to run a brush through my hair.

I remembered my meeting with Liam and decided to at least put some effort in my looks.

So, did my make-up on. Which really just consists of eye liner and mascara. I grabbed my cheer leading bag and ran down the stairs.

Brandon is probably already there....and I was right. He stood there eating cereal, like a lazy hobo., Yes, said a hobo.

I know what they look like! Yes, don't ask.

Carlos is probably waiting in the car...

Then I just remembered something.

I quit cheerleading....

Aw! That just made my day, even worse!

I groaned and grabbed the bowl, that was in Brandon's hands.

"Gee, good morning to you too. Little sis, what got your tongue."  He said sarcastically.

"Would you rather I spit on you again?" He...he...he, I'm evil.

"Now that I think about it. UM, THANKS, No thank! I will get you back for that, you know."

"Mmmm, good luck with that." I gave him a cruel, twisted smile.

He opened his mouth to speak, but whatever he was going to say. got cut off by Carlos's shouting "Hurry Brandon. We going to be late!".

Um, WE'RE GOING to be late. Jeez, learn how to talk kid!

"Going!" He shouted back. Then he added in a lower voice, "Watch your back." and walked off.

Yeah, like I'm going to be afraid of a guy. That wears Rudolph-the-red-nose-reindeer boxers.

A few minutes later, I heard some honking from outside the door. Guess my ride is here.

Darcy and I did our usual routine of greeting each other and talking about random things, before pulling into the school's parking lot and I told Darcy that I had to do something and went to the swings in the back. Part of the school.

They were placed in an almost private area. No one came back here anymore and that's a shame. It's a beautiful forest with flowers everywhere. Well, by now. The trees have lost some of theirs leaves and the flowers have dried out, but it's still beautiful.

I saw Darcy there. He had his back turned to me, so he still hadn't seen me. He was swinging back and forth, his navy-blue shirt showing his perfect abs. He looks so yummy...

"Done staring?" Hearing his voice made me jump a bit. Then his words sank in.

"I wasn't staring!" I defended myself.

"Mmmm, and I'm a purple unicorn. Anyways, come sit by me."

He sounded nervous, which of course made me nervous a little. I took the swing to his right and faced him.

"What did you want to talk about?" Right, keep your cool.

"Oh, umm. So, I was wondering..." He trailed off, looking at the ground.

"Wondering...." I playfully mocked him, trying to ease up the tension.

"Wondering...why are there only twelve hours on a clock?"

"Huh?" I asked, totally lost.

"Actually, that's not my question..."

"Yeah, what is it then?"

"I was wondering...if you would be so kind of to be my girlfriend?"

I let out a small chuckle. What did he say? I didn't get any of it...

"What was that? I have no clue what you just said..."

"I say, I was wondering if you...Would like to be my girlfriend?

Did he just say what I think he said? He probably didn't. If he didn't and I scream out 'YES!' I'll probably look weird...

"What?" Yep, better confirm it.

"You know. You, me. Being girlfriend, boyfriend, going out? I know that we haven't really gone out on a date yet, and we should still get to know each other better, but I just want everyone to know. That your mine, so if-"

"Yes." I cut him off.

"Ha, what now?"

"I said, yes. As in yes, I will be your girlfriend."

I could see happiness in his eyes, almost as if he was proud. Weirdness...right? Before I could blink, Liam got up and gave me a huge bear-hug.

It wasn't much, but it was enough. It felt right, like I belonged there. I could stay i his arms forever and ever...

We heard someone clear their throat. Great... We slowly pulled out of our embrace, wanting to make it last longer. Liam looked over my head at the person that had interrupted us, and I could feel his body tense up.

"Well, if it isn't the two lovey-puppies."

I knew who that voice belonged to, so I spun around to face him. Why is he here?

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