Chapter Forty

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Ally's POV:
I got up at 8:30am, That's as early as I was willing to get.

Of course, Darcy was pissed. Because it ruined our 'plans', more like her 'plan.' But I couldn't care less as l can live with that.

Brandon was over his friend Evan's house playing halo.

He always does that on the weekend, he really needs to get a life! Then video games, but at he not bothering me.

Right now, we were at our 28th store. Yes, I've been keeping count.

I was trying on a cropped top with shorts, that didn't even cover my butt. Why do they make pants, that can be mistaken as underwear?

I may never know...

"That looks...Cute." Darcy commented.

"I think you mean slutty, then 'Cute' has been what you have said for the last... Well, all of the outfits!" I pointed out, getting tired to changing so many times.

It just make me feel more worse then better, I don't know how much longer I can do. Before I might explode.

"Well, what do you want me to say? That you look like, you could belong in a street corner with a sign saying. That you just got off of you shift at hooters and need extra cash? I think 'Cute' covers it well enough, thank you very much!" She snapped.

I guess she was worn out from all of this too...

"Well, whatever. Can we just leave?" I complained.

"Yeah, we don't want to be late for you wax appointment."


And dragged me out of the store, before I could argue even more.

At least she remembered to pay...

"Okay, now wax then manicures! Maybe some pedicures too!" Now she was bouncing up and down as we made our way to who knows where.

We made our way into the store place, and she sat me down on a chair.

A grumpy-looking lady came over to us.

Darcy told her about our appointment, the lady just looked bored and like she didn't even want to be here. Just like I don't want to here either.

Great, we have an old person. Who had a suck of life and now, wants to make ours worse. Just lovely!

I watched as she poured a warm green thingy on my legs.

It's not that bad, I just hope that it's not alien boogers...

That would be gross.

Then she put some strips of cloth or something. After a minute or so, she just ripped them off without any warnings.

I felt tears prick at the back of my eyes at the sting running through my legs.


It was 50000 times worse than plucking your eyebrows!

I realized my lips were wedged between my teeth, so I let them go and took a quick intake of air.

Ok! It's over, it's over, IT'S OVER!

Those were the only hopeful words in my head.

By the time that she did my armpits, I was numb with pain.

I didn't know it would hurt that much!

Koalas burn Darcy, Not giving me any warnings...

I wobbled towards the manicure place, not being able to walk normally. And again sat on a chair.

I was grateful that I didn't have to stand.

A nicer lady came over.

I let Dacey handle everything while I just relaxed and closed my eyes.

I could tell my hands being placed in warm water.

I felt so relaxed the point where I fell asleep, hopefully no peeing myself...

Liam's POV:
It been two days, I been trying calling her. Since that incident on Friday, when that slut ruined everything.

She ruined the chance to go on my first date with Ally, now Ally think I am some sort of womanizer.

I been in my room all day and yesterday, trying to get a hold of her trying to explain what really happened. But she hasn't at least pick up.

I have not left the comfort of my home or my room. One of the wolf pack has been chicken up on me bring me food and drinks, but I hardly touch it even just to put something in my stomach.

I really need to tell her, what she saw is not what really happened. She need to know, I did not cheat on her with that bimbo. But Ally still would not answer my calls, I at least called her 30 times and left her at least 50 or 60 text messages.

And still she didn't at least answer one of my calls or text me back.

'Please Ally, just answer my calls.'

I know she felt betray and seem like someone, rip her heart out and straighten it into million pieces. But I would never, I would never something. Like that to her, I would never would dare.

I would never would dare be with a another girl, that is a fake bimbo that only into you because your are popular.

I feels like my heart is covered in poison waste and trap in a prison barrier, I been in pain for that two days and I have not got up for anything.

Except going to the bathroom to do my business, bugger than that I have not left my room since then.

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