Chapter Twenty

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Ally's POV:
I did expect all of the weird looks.

But what I didn't expect, was all of the 'popular' girls in the school, sitting at my table at lunch.

Or as they say, 'Our' table.

It was really only the cheerleaders, so that meant that I knew their name, But Dacey might not.

"So, what's. Like, totally up with you like Liam? You can like totally like trust us.

Cuz we're like totally. BFF'S, right?" Teresa babbled.

Once I too out the 'like's and the 'Totally, I could understand her.

"Like why don't you like go like ask Liam or like someone else like totally." I replied with her own language.

She seemed to be offended, because she just flipped. Her blond hair and walked off.

Okay, One down.

About 15 to go.


They are like and army of zombies, they just follow you around until they get want, they want before moving on.

"So, Like, where were you. Like, last week? We had like practice on Thursday and like Friday and you were like, not there." Kimberly asked.

"I like, wasn't like. I feeling like, well. Like, yeah." Again, she got pissed off and walked away.

Two in a row?

I am on fire! Someone grabs the extinguisher!

All of the cheer bimbos kept, asking me random questions.

"How do you, like get so much. Like, volume in your hair?"

I wasn't sure who asked that, but I decided to have some fun.

"First I moisturize with all-natural apple juice, then I smear plums on it. Then I rinse it off. Last but not least, I cut up five bananas and put it all over my hair.

If you want your hair to shine a lot more and look healthy, just add some peppers to the bananas. You have to leave the bananas in your hair for at least 28 hours."

I looked around to see them actually taking notes.

I wonder how many of them will do it...

"Dacey! We forgot to turn in our math homework!" I lied, just wanting to be away from these psycho bitches.

She quickly caught on to what I was doing.

"Oh yeah, lets go turn it in now, before he checks after study hall!"

And with that, we picked up our thing and off we went to the other side of the cafeteria.

Of course, they were too dumb to realize. That we took our trays with that, or that the math room is the other way.

"Jeez, I'm glad we ditched them! I feel like I'm losing my braincells, when they speak!" Dacey complained.

"I know what you mean." I said, taking a bite out of my apple. "Why can't they speak or act normal?" Dacey said.

"Well, they are cheerleaders." I gave her the look that says, then what am I?' "Well,"

"Gee, thanks for making my day!" I stated sarcastically.

"Thanks, that what I'm here for." She said winking. "Let's go dump our trays, so that we can make it to study hall on time."

The day went by really fast.

I could see why Liam was faster than everyone else.

Being a wolf gives you a lot more stamina.

I could feel the urge to run faster and faster.

But to my amazement, Dacey was actually able to keep up.

Let's just say PE isn't her best subject.

And that's how class went today, running.

Before I knew it, I was at home already.

Sparks was looking at me as if he hadn't seen me in years.

Over-dramatic pup, uh.

Of course, my parents were glad to see me, and I had to lie to my little brother and my mom.

My own mother. She thinks that this whole time I was at Dacey's place.

According to dad, since she isn't the one that. I got my werewolf side from, that she doesn't need to know.

I'm pretty sure that, if I told her. She wouldn't believe me anyway.

And if I shifted, I'm sure that she would faint.

Why does life got to be so complicated?!

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