Chapter Forty-Two

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Ally's POV:

With that thought in mind, I gathered my stuff and got out of the car.

I walked past the herd of people and straight into school. My cheeks were starting to flame up as some people started to stare at me.

Sure, Darcy had curled my hair perfectly. Sure, she put on a mask of make-up on. That's how every girl here is, so why are they just stare at me?

Did Liam or Stacey start rumors...?

I think that's low, even for them. Well, maybe Stacey.

Unlike every other day, I went to the band room first. Darcy had somehow managed to bribe my band teacher to let me keep my instrument in here, instead of having to drag it around to all of my classes and the next.

I don't want to know what she did, maybe offered him a bag of chips ahoy.

That guy was obsessed with those.

After I put my instrument away, I headed towards English. I only had a couple of minutes before the bell rang.

Doubtfully, I walked into the room. I didn't want to see Liam's weary face.

Karma, just seems to float around me. Because Liam was right there, sitting right up front.


Without a word, I sat down a seat away from him, at the very edge. Darcy, being my total bestie, sat in between us before Liam could move closer.

Liam shot me with a lonely look, that meant that he was hurt. Wanted to talk about what happened. My heart broke yet again at this look.

Can your heart ever stop breaking?

Mine just keeps getting more fragile, like when you crumple up a sheet of paper over and over. It turns really soft and weak.

That's how my heart felt right now, breakable and vulnerable...

As soon as class started, I couldn't wait for it to end.

Sure, guys were trying to flirt with me, the whole time and giving me suggestive looks. Some giving me questioning glances, but I was just eager to be away from Liam.

The way he looked at me...Almost disappointed, it just made me feel all sick and jittery.

Sure, my stomach was sticking out along with my behind. But could he be a little less obvious about staring at me?

I'm starting to feel like some sort of freak right now.

Why else would you look at someone like that?

When the bell made its annoying bell noise, I bolted right out of my seat.

I walked down the hallway, following Darcy to our next class. All of the sudden, a girl that looked like a chimpanzee.

Walked up to me and knocked my books out of my arms.

It was more like she slapped them right out deliberately, not even trying to make it look like an accident.

What a donkey butt...

"Watch were you're going, slut." She spat out.

Wow, wow, wow.

Hold up.

SHE is calling ME a slut.

That's it...

"Oh, really? You're the one that needs glasses, and have you looked into the mirror lately?" I asked her, I know it was witty. But I needed to say something! As really had enough those dumb bitches.

"Yeah, I have. I only see what you wish you could be."


"Really? At least I am not a fake bimbo like you, being something that I'm not and be desperate wannabe fake." With that I picked my stuff up and walked away, letting her small brain process that.

Try not to make a grin as I walk away, as I hope this day get worse?

When I ask myself that question, Yeah, it was RHETORICAL!

I didn't actually expect it to get worse!

All through the day, people were looking at me.

Girls glaring, guys peeking at my little ones...

Someone actually came up to me and asked me if I was new here. REALLY PEOPLE!

I've known some of them since third grade, and yet they they that I'm new here. What the heck wrong with those people.

What High School teenagers brains cell are they really that dent or something, I will never be able to fully comprehend.

Wow, that sounded smart...

Right now, I was sitting at my lunch table, With my head in my hands. People weren't staring at me as this much, even when Liam gave me a ride to school!

Oh, Liam...

How much I already miss him... Even though he's just across the room from me, It feels like he's in another planet away from me.

I poked the meaty Sloppy Joe that sat in front of me.

All my appetite was gone just think about a certain someone. Great.

I got up and went to dump my tray, nodding at Darcy to let her know where I was going.

On my way there, I saw Blake from cheerleading practice. She seemed upset...

She made her way towards me in her 3-inch heels. How come she doesn't trip on this carpet? Lucky....

"Look...I... Like...Don't know what you, like...Want with, Like Liam, but back off of him, Kuz, Like, He is all, Like, mine."

I think that's the least amounts of 'Like's that she has ever used.

"All yours!" I offered with a smile.


She didn't have a chance, but yet again, that's what I thought about Wendall....

Maybe I was the one that didn't have a chance...

When she saw my smile, she reached over towards my tray.

What's she-

My thoughts were cut off by warm, gooey sauce sliding down my shirt.

She had flipped my tray over so now my food was all over my clothes...


High school- Where your days, can't get any worse....

I gasped a bit, along with some people around me.

"Oops, My bad." She said in sarcasm, couldn't have been any more obvious. It was deliberate.

I looked up at her and saw that she was waiting for a reaction out of me. I took a deep breath before giving her one, with a fake smile of course. Though it probably looked like a grim expression.

"Yeah, Oops. Aren't we clumsy now? Well, it's not like your good at cheering, so I didn't expect you to be good at anything else." There, doesn't show how pissed and humiliated, I am right now.

"Huh?" She asked me, looking lost.

"Not the sharpest crayon in the box, huh? Why not try clicking you heels and saying, 'I need a brain, I need a brain!'?"

And left towards the bathroom, while she processes with that.

Why do people in this school always, try to make my life so damn miserable?

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