Chapter Nineteen

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Ally's POV:
I heard my phone's alarm go off.

Ugh! 6:30am already...?

I'm still worn out from shifting yesterday.

I turned the alarm off, before getting up.

It was pretty cold this morning, so I should take a warm shower...

Why is Minnesota like this?

100 degrees in the summer, yet -20 degrees in the winter.....

Talk about mood swings.

I took a quick shower and put my hair up in a ponytail.

I decided on a light blue tank-top with some dark skinny jeans.

Good enough.

Should I put make up on?

I never do.

So why bother now?

Don't know...

I packed up all of my things, since I was going home today after school. I might just as well take my stuff.

I took my bag downstairs.

Crap, Backpack!

I left it in Darcy's car!


I left it in the school parking lot!

Well, Dacey's house is just 10 minutes away of here, she can go pick it up if she wanted to.

I left the keys on the seat.

Even though its locked, she knows a trick to open it.

And she'll give me my backpack, when she sees me at school.

Good thing I did my homework during study hall.

Who said that's a waste of time?

When I reached the kitchen, I was amazed to see that Liam had already made food.

It was just bacon and eggs, but I got to hand it to him for trying.

There was a lot of it for just two people though...

I finally seemed to take in my surroundings.

There were five other kids around the kitchen.

I recognized some of them from school...

They werewolves too?

Huh, who knew?

Well Liam and Henry did, but who's counting. Right?

Well not all of them are Juniors either.

So, it's not like. I have to know them.

Liam served me a plate of food and I just smiled in return.

He noticed how awkward I felt, and probably guessed that it had to do. With the other five wolves/student that were sit next to us.

"Everyone, this is Ally. Ally this is Jill, Veronica, Joshua, Natasha and Keith." He said, pointing to everyone in order.

After we said our hello's. Well, more like they did to me, we started ate out breakfast went out to one of their many garages.

This one seemed to be for the High schoolers.

And it was HUGE!

There were six cars parked in it.

I guess everyone had their own car, Henry and Liam shared one.

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