~~ In this story, there could only be one evil person who shall become the villain.~~
~~But who will become evil and the villain of this story? ~~
~~Now that she, does not allow her 'mother' to become the villainess again...~~
~~ Which one of these two people will be the new villain in the story? ~~
" You can't do this, this is not like you, I know you, YOU'RE my sister! "
*She looked at her and smiled* " What is NOT like me? " She says, while staring at her supposed sister.
" You are saying that YOU, my little sister, knows me?" She says while still, staring at her." But HOW MUCH have you known me? " She says.
" I'm a different person when at home, I'm a different person when facing my little sister outside from this world, and I'm talking about OUR real world. " She says
" I'm different when facing other people, I'm different now that I'm here, in a world that I CREATED. " She says
" But, you're my big sister, we're still sisters, even in here or even outside from here, I love you and I know you, because you're the sister that is always caring and always loves me too, and I know that. "
" NO, let me correct that, WE are ONLY sisters outside from this world that I created. " She says " But now that we are HERE. Both of us. "
" I WILL NOT and WILL NEVER consider you as my little sister, ESPECIALLY... " She says with so much hatred " Especially now that you have RUINED EVERYTHING that I have created! I worked so hard to create this world and this people! To have a happy story! But YOU! " she says
" You... I have never thought that YOU, my sweet little sister, will be the one who will ruin my happily ever after in this book, you're making everyone stray away from their SUPPOSED ROLE! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING! "
" You're the obstacle in everything that I do, you always get in my way!" She says " And what do I do to people who gets in my way? " She says and smiled.
" Sister? What are you doing? "
", What do you think? *Smile*" she says " I'm trying to get rid of you, so that you won't be able to ruin the things in here anymore. " She says as she slammed the door shut.
" Sister! Open the door, what are you doing?! "
" What I'm doing? I'm simply getting rid of you, I want you to disappear and leave this world, I have never created a character that goes by the name 'Althea' so even if I kill you, no one will come to look for you. "
" So please, just keep being silent and die for your older sister, okay? Just don't ever come ruining my plan and the ending of the story that I want, so please. Just disappear." She says as she start to burn the small house in the middle of the forest, where no one will see them.
" *sniff* Sister...Please open the door.*cough*"
The fire engulfed from all sides of the house in the middle of the forest.
It didn't even take less than forty seconds and the house is already surrounded with fire.
" *cough* I need to get out of here."
She keeps looking for away to escape but all the windows were blocked, it almost feels like it was impossible for her to get out alive.
The roof was on fire, the doors and windows were on fire.
And a short time passes, she inhaled a lot smoke from the fire while looking for away to get out.
Irritating her eyes, nose and throat, which makes it difficult to breath as the fire just keeps getting bigger.
"*cough* It feels so hot and it hurts my skin but... I'm not burning. "
As she was trying to break the door, her only way to get from the house, she loses strength and just sit right next to the door, looking like she's giving up and have accepted.
" Mother...*sniff* I'm sorry, I don't think I may be able to secure your destiny... And for everyone..." She says as her eyes begun to slowly close as she keeps coughing and inhaling too much smoke from the fire.
" Mother ..." She says, her very last word after losing consciousness.

Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Historical FictionFern is the younger sister of a famous author known for 'The Promise Under The Moon.' At just fourteen, she was the first to read her sister's debut novel. Despite knowing the story inside out, she couldn't hold back tears when her favorite characte...