Chapter 11

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Silence can both be good and bad. Depending on what situation it’s given in. After an upsetting situation it’s acceptable. When you want to be alone, it’s wonderful. But when you’re expecting a reaction yet silence is all that’s given to you, it’s a horrible feeling. The feeling you get deep in your gut when you know something is wrong but don’t know what that is. Or when you’ve disappointed someone you really care about. Bringing your self down doing so. That’s how I feel.

They all looked at Sehun and I. And for some odd reason I felt guilty about the girl being here. Maybe because I kissed her the night before. Or maybe because I’m getting married to her step brother. I don’t know what it is I feel but something about the way she looked at me didn’t make me feel so good about this. Soyi and Dohun both looked between us, needing time to process what Sehun had just revealed to all of them. The girl didn’t give much of reaction. All she did was look between us and raised her eyebrows. The most un-amused look I have ever seen on her.

“Well shit. Congrats” she clapped her hands. Nothing about her actions or words seemed congratulatory. More like some type of mockery. Then her mom began to widely smile. Clapping her hands in excitement.

“That’s amazing!” She nearly yelled. Everything about her tone and action showing the exact opposite of what the girl had given us.

“She’s going to be the perfect daughter in law” Dohun said joining Sehun’s mother in the excitement. I found myself forcing a smile. My eyes remained on the girl who only nodded. Her thin, bruised lips forming a straight line. The girl’s parents never questioned all her cuts so I wondered if they didn’t care about it or were used to these sort of stuff. All these kept me away from what was really happening. Soyi had given me a huge yet warming hug. Reminding me of a way my mother never held me, the way I’ve always wanted to be held. I found comfort in this.

We all celebrated the news with wine, even the girl decided to join a long. I’m sure she’s doing it all for the alcohol. The five us sat in the living room, the fire place turned on, keeping us warm. Sehun and I sitting on one couch. His parent’s on the other. And the girl sat on the floor. The glass of wine in one hand and her phone in the other. She’s wasn’t paying attention to the conversation. Neither was I. But she seemed to be more ignorant than me. We were asked what the plans were exactly. And I found it as a perfect opportunity to bring up my plans.

Soyi and Dohun thought its would be a great idea to invite my sisters. Then Sehun mentioned all the guests. Nine in total. Making the girl look up at us as if we were crazy. And we are. The house was indeed big. But maybe fitting all these people wouldn’t be such a good idea after all. His parent’s said we can discuss this some other time since it was late. But all he wanted to do was get through it so he could arrange everything. The girl soon lost interest when we began to talk about the ceremony.

“So when do you guys plan to get married?” The girl asked finishing her glass of whine. “Six months? A year?”

Waiting a year would of been perfect. More than perfect. That would indicate the wedding actually being big. Guests to invite, reserving a big place for the party. And just knowing that it will be the best night of my life, being celebrated as it should be. Not rushed with barely any guests, in his parents backyard. For once, I like the way the girl was thinking about it. Indicating it would be big. As it should be. But Sehun and I seem to be living in two complete different worlds.

“Actually” I say seeming to be the first time I actually say something. Talking to the girl in front of her parents and Sehun as if we haven’t spend a lot of time together felt odd. And somewhat wrong for how clueless Sehun really is “we were thinking three weeks or four?” We. Not We. Sehun. We are doing things his way. Making it seem as if it was our decisions together was a way to somehow let the girl know it was me and Sehun.

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