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1962-1970: In the Empire of Japan, despite winning WW2 and taking over most of the Pacific, Japan wasn't doing well, with a GDP of 462B$ and a Population of 156 Million (96M In Japan, 37M in Korea and the rest in Lands taken by Japan) they were facing a looming economic crisis. In 1963 they began to send limited support to the warlord of Chita To Create a Possible Ally in Russia that had a Monarchy, In 1964 the Bubble of Japan finally crashed, creating a unemployment of 14.5% and the lost of 79B$, The Prime Minister Killed himself in shame and Emperor Hirohito (1901-Alive) Had to Took over, For the shame they had done to not prevent this, And with his utter disdain over the IJN and IJA constant meddling in his personal life since the 1940s, Wanted someone to deal with them. This was the start of Japan's Democratization.

In 1965, Hayato Ikeda (1899-1966) became Prime minister. He would begin to Liberalized Japan's Economy and stop the Slave System they used and Give Much needed reforms, such as cutting the Military Budget from 55% to 25%, Broke the Zaibatsus Little by Little and began to lay the foundation for Semi-Democracy,All of this was met with resistance from Virtually Everyone that had Power, But they Quickly stopped their Resistance after the IJN and IJA almost began WW3 over a Shrimp Boat and Jumped the Gun to Invade America, even when they had reached a Peaceful Conclusion, making the Japanese looked Barbaric and Warlike, something they found humiliating, This was such a Humiliation that the IJN and IJA would not try and stop the reforms out of shame. Another Key reason was the Slow Swift from Bottom-Top Mentality to Top-Bottom Mentality in the Military, with the Higher Ups Calling the shots and not the Lower ranks all thanks to a professional Officer corps Being made and Extremely Harsh discipline being given by the Generals and Admirals.

In Late 1966 Hayato Ikeda Died of Cancer and Eisaku Sato (1901-1970) become Prime Minister, Who Continued to Make Japan More Free and Make Japan Have a New Ally, Chita, Which they began to Build into a Modern and Superpower of the Russian Warlords, in the hope of not having to deal with a Angry unified Russia in the future and a Possible Barrier against A Possible US Invasion. In 1967 the Treaty of San Francisco Saw US land in North America and Hawaii given back to the USA in exchange for normal relations again and a Unlimited supply of Oil, it was also a ploy to show to the West that the Kapan of 1931-1962 was gone and a new Japan was there, around this time, the Japanese Began to Make Amends with Indonesia and the 2nd Philippines Republic, helping them become 2nd world countries and not 3rd world states. In 1968 as well West and East Russia United under Tsar Mikhail II (1920-Alive), Who proclaimed the 2nd Russian Empire. By 1969 Japan Had completely moved on from the 1964 crash, Having a GDP of 688B$ for a Population of 174M, with 109M from the Home Islands. With the Reforms coming in a Slow but Acceptable Rate, with the Mood in the country changing Now to mostly Pro-Reformist views, thanks to a general rise in living standards.

Russia began to make Moves against former enemies, In 1969 they retook their Central Asian and annexed Reichskommissariat Moskowien. Which almost triggered WW3. In 1970, A Nazi Funded Plot from Nazi-Japanese tried to Coup the Japanese Diet after Eisaku Sato Announced his Plans for Total Reforms of everything and that the GEACPS should reform as well, It was Led by 800 Soldiers, But the IJA stopped them, killing them all, but not after killing Eisaku Sato, A New Prime Minister Appointed by the Emperor. It was the Soft Spoken and not well known Haruno Takashi (1931-Alive). He Was Friends with the Emperor For both like to Study Fish and him being a Political Theorist, despite his Limited experience, But He would earn the Name 'The Lion' by the time he left office.

1970-1980: His first 4 Years as Prime Minister, He Slashed Corruption from 46% to 8%, Fixed the rivalry of the Military and made them under Lock and Key, Drafted a New constitution and Laid the foundations of democratization in the GEACPS, with the Famous 'Point 0' treaties, which was where all relations were remade to zero, with fair trade deals being made, but it also permanently denied that What japan did from 1931 to 1954 was wrong and that Any Criminals still alive were made innocent and all that were dead given all the crimes. Takashi Did more as well, Like Unite all Chinese states beside Manchuria into one China to limit the Number of Soldiers needed to Keep Order, But In 1974, the Same Year they Reached 1T$, The Indian Civil War Began (1974-1980) A Brutal Civil war against Communists and Fascists, Which while it didn't poised a Threat to Japan's Ally, Bengal. It made things Tense. In 1975, After Noticing a Heavy Increase in Russia's Buildup of Industry and the tripling of the Military size in months, The Russians approached Japan to retake their lands by peaceful means.

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now