End of Martial Law

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Empire of Japan Nagasaki, April 5th 1984

At the Government Owned Ration Store, which had been made when they Transferred worlds, A Long line of People were waiting for their Weekly rations. In this Ration was a Total of 5 Pounds of Food, and no one, not even a huge family could be allowed more than that, as a result, the people with bigger families were angry.

Martial Law was also a problem with most People, Press was tighten, The Military and Police were everywhere, Oil and Gas was kept under close watch and much more, Not many found these to be great, and with the Protests and Riots in the past few weeks, the people were Very, Very Disgruntled, If it wasn't for Haruno Takashi and Emperor Hirohito, Civil War was the easier outcome everyone saw.

As they Stood in Line, People were making sure to keep silent, no one was in the Mood to talk to anyone. They were hungry, they were sad and they hated how the Martial Law was ongoing. they wanted it to end. But at least the Victory over Lauria made people forget their Woes for a Bit, but it quickly passed.

All of a Sudden a Cheer came from a Father, he was coming out the place with 2 bags of Rations, that was 10 Pounds. Everyone looked at him before he exclaimed loudly.

''Hey! The Rations got Increased! It's now Doubled! and Tomorrow All Stores will be reopened! It's over! The Food Crisis is over!'' The Man yelled as he walked away.

Everyone hearing this began to clamor, If it is true then that must mean that the Martial Law is coming to a end, At this, the Line, began to cheer, not for the End of the Food Crisis, but for the Emperor, he had seemingly brought the country from the verge of disaster.

As the People cheered, a Man, High on a Balcony was drinking Sake with his Best Friend, this was Kira Tokarin and Haruno Takashi, A Sharp Lawyer and Judge who was responsible for destroying the Power of the Corrupt Men in Power, he had a Nickname among the country ''The Devil of Nagasaki'' named for his birth town.

Kira Tokarin, He was a very Famous Lawyer, for he was able to bring to light almost every corrupt official in Japan and bring them to Justice, using a Cunning Loophole of trapping them in sting operations to bribe him when he would make up false charges, wait for them to bribe him, tell the Emperor, who in turn would order the Corrupt Official to be sent to Jail.

His Looks was also something to admire, he was Average height at 5'9 or 176cm, he was fit, had slicked Grey Hair and wore expensive suits from France, making him stand out, but he also had a mask, a mask for always being able to hide his face, so that no one, not even the Emperor could tell what he was thinking, and finally was the fact he was one of the very few Japanese Lawyers which had spend time in America to study law, being the 3rd in his class of 1830 In Harvard, being one of the smartest lawyers in Japan.

He was the most Staunch Ally of Takashi, willing to die for him.

''You Sure it was wise to Annul the ration Program so soon? we only have a 99.5% Production of what we need to feed our country, including Yamuto'' Tokarin said, sipping on the Sake

Lauria had been Renamed to Yamuto, and the food Supply needed to feed the now 131 Million Japanese was just enough to not call any Ration Decree, But Martial Law was still in the Process of being taken away, they hoped that they can soon end the Martial law in the country, but it would take time, people were still angry at the low gas and Coal, the country was in a lack of Better words, Starved of Resources.

And now that the Ports of their allies had been made to deal with their ships and that Oil Wells in Quila were made, they would soon have all the Resources they can dream of, Quila alone has More Oil than Indonesia and the Middle East Had combined. Yamuto had Mines which would supply the country for centuries.

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now