Operation Revenge (1)

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IJA Base, Kingdom of Nates, September 7th 1988

Head of the IJA Base, Lieutenant-General Oichi Koichi, A Short Man with a Large Beard looked as his 2 Showa-52s were being armed and primed, He, being part of the Old Guards, never understood the need for Missiles, Nukes, All the modern technology for weapons, he liked old fashioned weapons, battleships, swords, he was a old man in a young world, but unlike the others in the old guard, he Saw the recognition of having to keep with the times, technology win wars, not feelings, that was his motto.

As he looked at the missiles being armed, he thought of the enemy they were to face, the Holy Mirishrial Empire, he didn't understand all about them, but he knew they hated Japan more than anything, hence, he had a privilege to defend Japan and the Emperor, The current Invasion Fleet of the HME had just split in half, and his missiles were to attack the southern force.

Koichi Looked at the Showa-52s, They were large and painted grey, he liked the name, better than the Showa-62, for the idea began in 1978 not 1988, hence the naming, as the crews went to work, they fueled it up, primed the radar and made sure everything was working, The Company Advisor, A Certain Man from Sony, Which Koichi never bothered to know his name worked with the soldiers.

This was something he loved, The common people, helping the war effort, Koichi never understood other countries doctrines of refusing war, war is war, you fight and you fight with all you have, simple as that, Japan, All of them saw it somewhat that way as well, it was Honor which creates A lasting peace, not weak words of unity, another motto of his which never really went anywhere.

A IJA Officer laughed loudly suddenly as the 2 missiles began a low hum.

''Sir! Their ready! Ready to fire on your Word!'' The Officer yelled from Afar

''Understood'' Koichi said as he went inside the Control Section of the Command Tower

There, the men who would fire the missiles, 4 in all stood at attention, ready for his orders, As they all Punched in numbers and locations, to find their targets, the Main southern Fleet, they did so with high speeds, Koichi grumbled

''Computers...Making work so easy'' He grumbled

''Ready To Launch, Orders Sir?'' One of the Soldiers Asked

Koichi Turned to face the Imperial Flag, he began a Short Speech, a required statement the Emperor wanted for all Soldiers that are defending Nates.

''You Know, Much of my Life I Served Without a Purpose, fight this, fight that, kill them, save her, never thought why We fight, But then I Heard the Emperor, It was on The Black Tuesday Of 1964, It reminded us of who we fight for, the Emperor, It is thanks to him we are able to continue the fight for Japan, he guides us, the uniting figure in these...Troubling times. Now with the War on the Japanese Footing, we are so close to becoming the World Sole Superpower, Let us give it our all! Tennōheika Banzai!'' He Shouted

''''Tennōheika Banzai!'''' Everyone inside shouted

''You May fire when ready'' Koichi said

As the Crews began to prepare to fire, everyone outside ran inside, to not be near the launching area, As the 4 men pressed the Buttons, the 3 Ton Missile began to push smoke from below it until it rushed into the skies at a speed none had ever seen before. As they went away from view, Koichi saw the Crews run to another Air hanger, with a Another missile, The Type 75, Which was a Medium Range Missile, fitted with a small Non-nuclear warhead, They were to try and destroy the 5 Pal Chimeras with a Single strike, it was the riskiest move Japan could make, but if it worked then Japan would destroy the only thing able to destroy .

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