Operation Ketsu: Landings

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Kingdom of Lauria, Jik, March 25th 1639

It was a Peaceful Morning to the Port, the 220 000 Living inside the Port, they went on their normal day, the 500 Laurian Ships, which were to Invade Myhak any day now, But the Peaceful morning was cut short when 5 Islands showed up on the Horizon, many people arrived at the docks to see what they were, they saw that 2 of the 5 were Absolutely Huge, so big they swore even at 15KM away that it was bigger than anything they ever saw before, and soon they saw it was a Ship, not a Island.

As the Ships looked on the people were overcome with a sense of dread, and as they saw Gigantic Trees turn to meet them, 18 in total, the people could not imagine what they were about to Witness.


The Sound of what many thought was the Gods silencing them, was heard from the port, the ships looked as if they had exploded and the people were confused. But one Person, a Veteran Merchant who traded with Mu knew what was happening.

''It's a Enemy attack! Run! Run for your Lives!'' he shouted as he ran away

However, no one took any notice to him, for they were too busy looking at the massive ships as the smoked cleared, but it was too late. 

The Sight which the Japanese would witness can be described a scene of Hell on Earth, the entire docks were set aflame, everything in the docks, people, Wyverns, Horses, Ships and more were destroyed in the blink of the eye. As the Docks began to burn, the Yamato and Mushshi aimed once more.


Another deadly Salvo Landed into the Port, Destroyting many of the Urban area, as the flames continued to spread, the Wyverns at the Port, 50 in total flew out to attack the enemy which came out of nowhere, As they flew towards the enemy, the Japanese showed no signs of being scared, the Wyvern Riders snickered at the sight.

''These foolish enemies will meet their doom! Attack!'' the commander yelled.


The sound of dozens of AA Guns on the Battleships ripped into the air, and the Wyverns were cut to shreds within seconds, turning the waters into a red water, and then after another Salvo destroyed the enemy Garrison, the Japanese began to send their Landing Crafts, 900 Men scaled the beaches, where no one was there to stop them.

Commander Umiko Stepped off the Landing craft as his men quickly began to build A make Temporary Camp, he also saw the Transports and Mushashi leave, heading to the other port 55KM away to the West.

''All Right men! Remember the Plan! Taiko Will take 1st Company to take the gates, Iki and Uticha Will take 2nd and 3rd Company to take the city, the rest of you will stay here and make sure those bastards don't do anything!'' Umiko yelled in his microphone.

''''Sir Yes Sir!'''' Everyone yelled as they began to move into action.

As Lieutenant Taiko and his men made their way to the Gates, He looked at the scene in front of him, it looked like the 1957 Movie 'Fall of Shaanxi' a Movie about the Brutal Japanese Suppression of China in The central plains, where as many as 13 million were killed in a decades long war, Dead bodies everywhere, people with wounds looking confused, fire everywhere and blood streaming down every street, as he took the gate without a fight, he saw his soldiers look weak, they were green soldiers, having never seen real combat, he himself had only briefly seen combat during the War in Europe, but it ended before he saw true combat.

''Private Araki! Where's that Flag!'' Taiko Shouted

At this Private Araki, A 18 Year old new recruit, ran up to him with the Empire's Flag, He saluted before he stopped running.

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