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Holy Mirishial Empire, Runepolis, May 1st 1643

Prime Minister Calvo looked at the Crowd of Journalist with a stern expression, today he was to tell the World of their Clear stance on the Ongoing War with the United States of Gra Valkas and the Empire of Japan, Which now was getting worse by the week.

During March and April of this Year, The War seemed to slow down and nearly enter a stalemate, the USGV were kicked out of Sonal and Mu, Mu Took some Minor Hinterlands and Borderlands of Nigrat and Hinomawari, Destroying many Units of the enemy and that was that, But since then, the Ragna Pact tried to attack back, in the hopes of retaking their lost lands and Mu and the USGV were fighting along the entire Front with Japan catching their breath, Marshal Gunther Von Preuben, Used his good skills and New Weapons to deal a Bloody blow to the enemy, by now, over 400 000 of his enemy laid dead and he had only lost 200 000, a Big Victory.

Marshal Von Preuben during all of this Landed in Irnetia, with over 140 000 soldiers, taking over the island and killing the 50 000 Garrison, sinking the 30 ship fleet and destroyed 100 Jets, the island had fallen in only 22 days, recreating the Kingdom of Irnetia, it was a major blow to the United States of Gra Valkas, now any northern naval expansion attacks were blocked off, creating a serious issue, for now, Naval attacks along the coast of Mu, which always created tense and serious problems were gone.

Marshal Von Preuben also created a grim picture for the War, he presented that by logic as it shows, they were losing less men than the enemy, which meant that if they keep attacking, sooner or later they would run out of men first, A WW1 Mentality, made even more so after The 2 sided began to build forts along the frontline.

By Now the war was 1 Years old, And Millions had died, Nigrat and Magicarreich had lost each 600 000 Killed, Leifor had 800 000 Killed, The USGV Itself now had 1.82 Million Killed, Mu had lost 1.3 Million Killed, the Broader GECPS had lost 1.4 Million Killed and Japan had lost 250 000 Killed, for a total of 6.77 Million died in only 1 year of the war, a brutal loss of life in the war.

But there was more pressing matters than the war blatant disregard for human life, it was that Japan, Mu and their allies were getting too strong, and using the water ways without a care in the world, waters which were now fueling the deaths of millions.

This Needed to stop and Now.

''Ahem'' Calvo got the Attention of everyone. ''I Am here to announce here today, That the Holy Mirishial Empire, Seeing the Recent Actions of the War in the Far West, Have come to a General Vote of Confidence on the issue''

All the Journalist wrote down his words, he continued.

''As of Today, we have expanded our Exclusion Zone onto which no ships, Planes can pass, it is now 500KM from our shores, This is to force to heel both sides into a Peace Agreement which benefits neither side, Any Questions?'' Calvo Asked

''Yes! I'm with the Runepolis Gazette, Are these Actions sorely on the rising Anti-Jap Sentiment rising across Japan since last year?'' The Man Asked

''I Am not prone to side with Sentiments which are against a Country, but with Japan having caused the greatest deaths, we have decided this was a wise action to contain Japanese Aggression, Next Question'' Calvo Answered

''I'm From the Tazir Papers, Would this action not provoke Japan to Invade?'' She Asked

''No, It would be Foolish for any State in War to attack the strongest power in the world, such action will see the death of the Empire, But Supposed They were to seek armed conflict for the expansion of the Exclusion Zone, It would not go well for them'' Calvo said ''If that is All

As he left, everyone began to shout and ask more question which he refused to answer.

The Conference ended, and with it, a Dangerous problem in the world began, Japan had been given a firm hand against their supplies reaching the West, which if they didn't then the entire war support would be stopped and Japan would be in a Bad Spot.

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon