A Yamamoto's Gamble

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Empire of Japan, Tokyo Naval Academy, August 15th 1988

Admiral Katsu Yamamoto walked down the Halls of the Academy, The Toyko Naval Academy was the Best in the World, Using real like battles to train students, where they had to win naval battle under extreme stress, Katsu had graduated top of his class. Today he was here to Put into motion his ultimate Plan into motion. For months he had been crafting plans and tactics in order to prepare for the most important Mission. Saving Japan and their Allies from a All out assault from now the two most powerful superpowers in the world.

Since July, The Front had been busy with activity, The United States of Gra Valkas was launching all out attacks everywhere, and they were mounting heavy losses, for no gains, but it was forcing Japan and Mu to split their attention away, which was bad, But as long as they Held the Line it would be fine.

As the Door to the Main Assembly Opened, Katsu entered, inside were the Head Admirals of Altarus, Papaldia, Riem, Nates and Mu. They had all flown to Tokyo to take Part in Katsu's Important Meeting, as Katsu got to the Podium he spoke.

''Gentlemen, Thank you for coming here on such speeds, This Meeting will decide the Fate of the World as we know it'' He Began ''As you know, The Past weeks have seen the Holy Mirishrial Empire and the United States of Gra Valkas build 2 Separate Naval Fleets to Attack Nates, Altarus and Japan, This Meeting will be on how to stop them''

He Turned on the projector to show the World, he took a Laser pointer and showed Nigrat.

''We will Start with the Largest Naval Invasion, that of the United States of Gra Valkas, From what we can tell from Space, it is of 40 Carriers, 100 Submarines, 660 Destroyers, some 300 Repair and Supply Ships and finally some 1000 Transport ships, to carry 5 Million Soldiers from Nigrat, Magicarreich, Leifor and the USGV, a total fleet of 2100 Ships, divided into 4 Fleets which will attack us somewhere here'' Katsu said while circling Rodenuis and Altarus.

The Admirals paled at the numbers, 2100 Ships, something of that scale had never been thought of before. Katsu continued.

''We know they will attack Rodenuis or Altarus, given that they provide our War Effort with the Food, Metals and Oil Needed to Win, Hence we must defeat them before they can do any damage to us. This is where You, Admirals of Riem, Altarus and Papaldia Come In, Combined you have a Navy of 560 Ships, As Advance as ours But lacking in Experience.

What you will do is split your forces in 2 combat groups of equal sizes, 200 ships each and will Position yourselves here and here'' Katsu said pointing at 2 spots 1000KM from Rodenuis and Altarus.

''Why all the way out there?'' the Admiral from Riem, Named Alextroff asked

''Because it is the most likely paths they can take seeing as the Banivista Islands are in our hands and they will need to avoid it, Your Job is to attack only 1 of the Groups, using all the Doctrines and tactics we have helped you with, but once the battle tips against you for whatever reason, Pull Back, No Need losing men when the enemy is winning and you have a chance to escape.

Now, If you pay close attention, the locations you will be at, Is close to land, which is a good advantage for us, for we have been massing Jets across the Empire, 2560 in Total to be used as a Air Shield against all attacks, they will help you in the fight, attack their carriers and repair ships.

We expect you to suffer heavy losses, but so does the enemy, they will need to be sunk as many as you possibly can sink, the enemy would have some 200 Ships per Fleet if my Intuition is correct, which means sinking 100 would be enough to force them back, we will then send out the Jets to finish the Job later.

We also will be there with 450 Ships, they will attack the enemy after you, and the 2 which you will not be attacking, we aim for Victory in this Assault. Our Goal is to sink as many of the enemy ships and secure Victory'' Katsu Said

1984, The Empire of Japan:  New World, New Blood (A NHS and TNO Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now